June 25, 2014

Difference between Teachers and MASTERS

A master is one who guides you to realise yourself, god and all mysterious things such as soul, life force, mind, consciousness, death, sins , virtues and enlightenment.  But a teacher is one who imparts you knowledge of language, application of mathematics to day to day problems in mundane life, social structures and application of science to know and modify nature as needed for life. 
Only an enlightened person can become a master whereas anybody with university qualifications and teacher training certificates can become a teacher.  The master guides you for your journey in the spiritual world whereas the teacher prepares you for your survival in the material world.
A teacher feeds up your knowledge but a master awakens your consciousness which happens at the dropping out of your so called knowledge and conditionings. 
Treasures and secrets of nature can be unearthed only in silence for which a master guides but a teacher trains you to become competent for material achievements.  Educated people can be rich in the material world but beggars in the spiritual world unlike Lord Buddha who was the richest master in the spiritual world but  preferred to be a beggar in the rest of his life in the material world.

June 12, 2014

Truth - always naked. . .

No individual in the society is individual. If anyone is individual, he will be away from the society and it will condemn him.

Being religious means being truthful and it does not mean following your parent's religion.

You may be single and people may be thousands in number. If you follow truth, you are right and people may blindly think that just because they excel in number, what they are doing is right.  The world is carried away by politics of number. 
Silence makes you blossom and spread the fragrance of truth around the world.

May 06, 2014

Sin - the greatly misunderstood word

What is sin?  People generally think by mistake that killing someone, telling lies, stealing others' things and so on are sins.  But the real and root meaning of sin is forgetfulness. Your forgetfulness of who you are is sin.  You are the everlasting omnipresent existence.  You are always the same, you are the only one existing and therefore you cannot go away from yourself anywhere and there is no need for going in search of the almighty that is you yourself.  When you are not aware of yourself, this forgetfulness leads you to all illusions, as if you are suffering from great sins and until you purify yourself you can never attain enlightenment.
You have no destination to reach because what you are searching for is you yourself only.  A lion that thanks itself is a sheep has to realise itself, as said swami vivekananda.
If you are aware of yourself, no sin is there. If you forget yourself, whatever you do is a sin.

March 28, 2014

Madman, Ordinary man and Lord Buddha

Who is great - a Madman, ordinary man or Lord Buddha? Your answer is the last one. Why? Know now.
The madman is below the mind which is his master.  But an enlightened man like buddha is above and beyond the mind and he is master of his own mind and knows when to use and for what purpose.  Both will look like mad sometimes to the ordinary man because the behaviour of both is unpredictable to him.
The madman is just like football in the match and he himself does not know what he would do.  The reasoning mind and awareness are completely absent in him.  The order of the society, the code of discipline and the laws of government have no power to turn him into a new leaf. But the enlightened man is with everlasting awareness  and is the source of all well being of the society. It is his utter silence that is the source of his strength and love.
A madman cannot understand what an ordinary man understands.  An ordinary man cannot understand what an enlightened man can do. 
Mindless mind, overwhelming silence, super consciousness, bliss of liberated soul and universal living all belong to a Buddha who just mediates and does nothing more to get all these.

March 23, 2014

You are not one but two now

You are now split into two - consciousness and the chattering mind.  The more your mind has thoughts, the less your consciousness is.  When you are awake, you can only be in either of the two conditions.
Your consciousness is the real you and your mind is the unreal you.  The more your mind has thoughts, the more your stress is, the more you are worried, the more you are mechanical, the less you are creative.  The more you have silence within you, the more your consciousness is, the more you are individual, the more you are truthful, the more you are enlightened.
When you are more under the control of your thoughts, you cannot even understand what consciousness, and thus all dictionary definitions about consciousness are only shallow, because ninetynine percent of the people are under the influence of their mind filled with thoughts.
The only way to hold consciousness is "watching".   You can watch anything, your body, the tree before you, the photo you see, or even your very mind.  When you watch, the energy spent for conversion into thoughts turn into consciousness and suddenly thoughts disappear.  Simply watch without any idea, expectations, aim, without trying any analysis, comments, judgment because your mind is always accustomed to them.  When the consciousness increases, the silence will increase, the awareness will grow, you will find the real you. Everything will be happening before you, but you will remain a spectator, never affected by them.  You are now only one.  You are just yourself.  You are now the real you, only one, not split into two.  Now the imprints in your mind are helpless to influence you, to direct you.  You are now on your own path, not on the path of destiny.  You are alive and fully innovative and creative, not mechanical.
Watching is meditation.  Meditation is just a device to stop your chattering mind and thereby to realise yourself.

February 26, 2014

Success - the Most Decorated False Word

To carry out a task under certain conditions or to perform the best of all is called success.  Everyone wants to be successful.  Why?  To be joyful.  In reality, those who are successful are not always joyful.  Again, to be joyful you need not be successful.  In fact all the efforts you take to be successful, and the failure, if any, take you for away from your joys.
The idea to be successful is a desire or lust nurtured by some traditional stupid persons.  Imagine any game or race, can all be successful? Impossible.  999 out of thousand fail and fall utterly disappointed and sad just for the joy of one who is successful.
The real success is not in doing great and difficult things but in doing nothing physically and mentally that is called the greatest meditation, that is the most difficult but powerful source of energy for man, if he can, at least for half an hour.  That leads to the release of greatest potentials and E S P power through profound silence that arises in you.
If your joy arises from external sources, it can never be permanent.  One day you are successful and another day somebody else. But GREAT SILENCE in you brings you non stop awareness and consciousness  that results in everlasting joys in you without any pain to others or to you the least.

February 16, 2014

Stop Doing and Enjoy Happenings

Doing and happening are two important things in man's life.  Doing is from man but happening is from god, from existence, from Nature. Man is doing several things with desires, ambitions, expectations, plans, goals, with strains and efforts.  But happenings are taking place on its own accord, without any obedience to man, without any reason, mysteriously and unpredictably. 
Your growth is a happening.  Can you stop it? It is like flowering, happening on its own accord. Accident in your life is a happening. You cannot expect it but you should accept it.  Similarly death is. 
Sun rise is a happening.  Enjoy it.  Rain is a happening. You cannot expect it.  You cannot desire for it. You cannot stop it rather.  But you can enjoy it.
One of the sources of man's suffering is the difference between what he is doing with expectations and what really happens to him.  Every moment something beautiful happens, but man could not enjoy it because he is engaged with some  ' doings'  or he worries that something happens against his expectations.
Drop down all your unnecessary doings which are electrified by your desires.  Accept and enjoy what happens each moment.  Enlightenment is also a happening that will happen on its own accord one day to you.  Don't do anything for that. Don't expect it.

February 05, 2014

You are a Reputed Bird in a Golden Cage

You are a beautiful admired and secured parrot in a golden cage.  Your family gives you security and comforts; your society gives you security, comforts and recognition. If you are sick, or met with accident or stolen, or attacked, they will give you security.  You need not worry about your food or dress or any other comforts, including a life partner.  The security and comforts are more that you have even forgotten that you are in a cage and you have no language of your own to express yourself.
See the bird in the sky.  It can fly wherever it wants, pathless paths are around.  But you should walk on the paths the society dictates by its rules.  The sky bird has no religion but it is one with Nature, one with the Divine. It doesn't go to church, doesn't read bible and has no beliefs in god, yet the most divine one.  What about you? Your thoughts cannot leap beyond your religious boundaries, even your very dressing should obey your religion.
The sky bird knows not it's parents.  It does not depend on them for food.  It does not legally fight for inheriting its parents properties.  It's completely free from parent's restrictions and their expectations. It has no relations as bondage.  It lives how nature leads. What about you?
You are a bird in the golden cage.  The bars are but your family, religion, education, society, beliefs and social recognition.  You are a parrot and you should repeat what others say.  Otherwise they won't like you.  If you don't think like others, the society will punish you.  Jesus was punished.  Socratice was punished.  The society has sucked away your freedom secretly by assuring security and comforts.  It rewards you with social recognition for being a slave, for being not as yourself but for being as it directed, dictated and expected.

February 02, 2014

Success in Competition - a Real Failure in You

Many people work hard and try to succeed in competitions.  But it is a stupid attempt to nurture the evil in you.
You are spiritually born again when your ego dies.  It is your ego that is the greatest obstacle on your spiritual journey. How to drop down your ego answers the question what I mean by the title of this article.
What is ego? Your intention to be recognised as greater than others in physical appearance, knowledge, wealth, social status and talent is your ego.  When something is very difficult, a challenge, a competition, a problem, then your ego is interested in it. You want to achieve for the mere satisfaction of your ego.
War or fight or any quarrel is but for the satisfaction of your ego to prove that you are greater than others in bravery.  All games and sports are developing your ego and exploiting you, wasting your valuable time just to satisfy your ego in the name being recognised as a talented one.  Your attempt to become the number one billionaire of the world is to satisfy your ego, with financial recognition.
Your lust for power and even the one for knowledge is just to satisfy your ego.  Today's education is developing this ego further by posing so many exams, competitions, etc.  You go so far away from yourself, in the name of so called achievements and public recognitions.
Competition declares that one is the greatest of all in that particular aspect, and ranks others in order, as second, third, fourth.  But in reality, every human being, even anything in the universe is unique and incomparable in itself.  What you are is definitely greater than how should be.  The society doesn't allow you to be yourself, and it always keeps you in a race to overtake others.  It adds fuel to your already burning ego. Now in your utter madness, you don't know who you are. You have forgotten that you are not to fight with others, but to love others.  You are by birth unique and why do you foolishly strive hard to be greater than others?  Some people who fail in games, competition, and exams, even committe suicide.  Their ego has grown to such extent that it cannot endure any failure.

The greatest achievement is not  in making others know you, but in allowing yourself to know the real yourself.  You need victory over yourself, not over others.  You need to drop down your ego, not to develop and and take it to the peak.  Be silent in yourself, in the centre of yourself as the centre of a cyclone, being unaffected.

February 01, 2014

Your Birth is In Your Death

At present your mind is you. But it is not the real you.  The real you can be found only in the death of your mind. It is possible if only you drop down all your thoughts in your mind, if only your mind stops chattering.
You are full when you have no mind, no thoughts, but being aware of it.  You are a very small fragment of you if your mind is full of thoughts.  So attempt murder of the so called you, erase all your thoughts and empty your mind. 
Your thoughts are nothing but echoes of past or desires, plans, expectations and ideas of future.  Be a man of no past and future to become a man of full present, to find the real you, to attain non-stop awareness .  Do the following meditation.
Stage one.
Sit relaxed in a peaceful place.  Close your eyes.  Tell your mind you don't remember anything happened in your past, any person in the past, including your relations, home, working place and even your name.  Just watch your mind by doing this.  You may feel great aloneness, as if you lost everything.,don't be afraid.  You will find great silence, from the absence of the chattering of your mind about your past.

Move to the second stage.  Drop out all your aims, desires and plans of future.  Be only at present.  A great silence has arisen in you now, a great nothingness. Stay there for sometime with complete silence and watch only that silence.  For the first time in your life you experience it, for the first time in your life you find yourself.  A great joy as if from enlightened buddha arises in you.

To hear this is to know this with your mind. To experience this is to know yourself, to be yourself and to live yourself, after murdering the so called your present you.

January 31, 2014

Loyal persons - Sincere Slaves and Stupids

Being loyal generally (but wrongly) means that being faithful, honest, being trustworthy and obedient to somebody.  A soldier is expected to be loyal to his superior officer that means, he should be obedient to him, faithful to him and trustworthy to him.  Deep down it means that you should be a slave to him, you should blindly and stupidly follow his orders, you should never question him by suiciding all your intelligence.  If he asks you to fire and kill, you should kill heartlessly, stupidly, mechanically and slavishly as you ordered.
You cannot love and trust a person who has killed your freedom.  The country has killed the freedom of the soldier.  How can the soldier love it! Here the word loyalty is cunningly used to exploit the soldier.  How can one be intelligent without asking a question?  The soldier never asks a question and runs here and there, turns left and right, blindly and mechanically obeys somebody's order.  Is he intelligent? No.  The king, president and ministers are intelligent because they never go to war and die but keeps all these soldiers as slaves by intelligently using the word loyalty.
A husband wants his wife to be loyal to him which otherwise means that she should be a slave to him, should always be with him, howsoever he behaves.   Marriage system makes both the husband and wife slave to each other in the name of loyalty and faithfulness. 
The husband cannot love any other lady because he has to be loyal to his wife.  The wife can never love anyone other than her husband because she has to be loyal.  A student should follow whatever the teacher says because it is being obedient to him.  He cannot question the education system, cannot question  rules of the school or college.  He is exploited with  obedience and discipline.
A religious person cannot question and raise doubts about his religion and he is exploited in the name of belief, faith in god and sin and virtues, heaven and hell. 
Thus loyalty, belief, faith, trust, obedience, disciplines, morals, virtues and heaven are cunning words to keep someone slave and stupid for someone's advantage.

January 29, 2014

Individual is not individual

An individual is not an individual anywhere but a mere copy of others.  He always tries to be as others expect and respect him.  His dress, food habits, way of life and even the very speech of him is mere copy of others.
An individual is not independent but a slave everywhere.  He belongs to a religion because he is born in such a family.  He cannot choose his own.  He has to follow the marriage system
Prevalent in his society and has no other go. His education, social behaviour and all such things are readymade ones common for all.  Family system, his government, law system and his religion have rooted out his independent thinking, making him a slave.
Imitation is suicide.  It is destruction of your own individuality.  It implies no freedom of thinking, but mere slavery.
What is the solution for it?  Please uneducate yourself, drop down all your past memory, come out of your own mind which has been loaded by several rights and wrongs by the society.  Be yourself, go very deep into the centre of your being and find what you really are.  What your actual wishes are. What your real nature is.  Be aware of it, find yourself and live yourself.  Be individual.

January 28, 2014

Personality Development -a Stupid Attempt

People have greatly misunderstood individuality and personality which are opposite to each other.
You are unique and incomparable with anyone in the universe.  Nobody in the past, present and future can never have your thumb impression, can never have your appearance and nature, scientists have proved.  This is your individuality.  Being independent, being yourself and in your own nature is your individuality.  But personality is how the society expects you to be.  You want to be like somebody else- as impressive as others, as fashionable as others, as majestic as others and so on.  This is what you call as personality, not being yourself.  Your educational system, business environment, expectations of society give you a mask to wear.  If you are not as they expected, they advise you to develop your personality. 
If you are a man personality, your individuality is completely buried.  Be yourself, be real as you are, be independent and individual in your thinking and behaviour that is your your individuality.
Personality means copying others and individuality means being of your own unique nature.  So development of personality is a stupid attempt by you to obey the cunning attempt of the society, religion and so called education which never allows you think freely, never allows you being yourself and thus never makes you question them.

January 27, 2014

Intelligence and Stupid people

Your ability to respond to a situation in a brilliant and innovative way is intelligence and your inability for the same is your stupidity.  For the same question asked everyday intelligent people have different answer but the stupid people always have the same readymade answer on all situations.
Intelligent people enjoy complete freedom in thinking whereas unintelligent people are imprisoned by their religious consciousness, class consciousness, money consciousness, patriotism, and political attachment. 
Intelligent people respect themselves and never underestimate or overestimate themselves.  They know that they are as unique and incomparable as everything and everybody in the universe.  But unintelligent people repeat somebody as greater than themselves and worship them.  Blindly follow them without never asking a question.  Intelligent people are always fresh, new, innovative, free, impartial and truthful and the unintelligent are the quite opposite of it.

January 25, 2014

How many holes are in your body!

We clean our house and the dirty water goes out through a hole; we clean vessels in kitchen and the dirty water goes out through another hole; we clean our body and the dirty water (sometimes along with urine goes out through a hole; similarly all our waste through another hole in toilet; smoke from kitchen through another hole called chimney.  The holes in our house help a lot to keep it clean.  But do you know that our body which itself is a house within which we live has many holes to keep ourselves clean?  For male, the holes are 9 and for female, 11.
Both ears are the first two holes through which dirty liquid waste and sometimes from broken head the blood comes out.  Any dust within ears turn into small balls and automatically comes out through these holes.  Any sound including others speech turns into wave form and enter us through these holes called ears- two way road.
The third and fourth holes are both eyes  from which tears flow out , role down like small hot balls and then ike thin falls.  Hot liquid whitish waste also comes out through these holes, especially while getting up from sleep. These eyes are not mere holes but 1000.1 mega pixel camera and taking snaps whatever they see and developing into prints immediately into mind -monitor and always keeping a copy in inexhaustible memory of the  brain, the god-made computer.
The fifth and sixth holes are our nostrils through which dirty air carbon-di - oxide goes out and pure life giving air oxygen goes in.  Sneezing and pushing out whitish liquid waste during cold are done only through these holes. These holes are never closed before death.
The seventh biggest hole is our mouth through which water, cool drinks and all solid food enter the body to into body.  All unwanted Saliva, undigested food and yawning come out through these holes and keep our body clean.  The doors called lips (used also in sex) close and open as required to make our sweet speech.
The eighth and ninth holes are below the abdomen in front and in between buttocks in back.  The whole body is cleaned inside by nature and the dirty hot salt water called urine comes out though this  8th hole.  Sperm for male or menstrual waste for female also come out through this hole and keeps refreshed and energetic.  Solid unwanted waste from digested food called excretion comes out through the ninth hole.  These nine holes are common to both genders but the 10th and 11th hole on breasts are temporarily open for women especially after issue of Child to provide milk. 
There are thousands of invisible and unnoticed holes all over the skin to emit sweating.  How graceful Nature is!

January 24, 2014

Your Love - Only a Desire, not True Love

You love a shirt, or pen or car for its beauty and impressiveness.  Do you really love it?   Always? No.  You want to replace it after some years.  You love a person because he or she has good qualities, good personalities, intelligence, etc.  When they are lost, will you love the same person? You love a person because he helped you on all needs.  Will you love him if he turns into a selfish fellow and denies help for you? Some people say "I loved him very much and did much for him but he cheated me."  Expectations of some returns is business, not love.  Another misconception of love is that true love means love towards only one person faithfully.  If it is true, what about Mother Terasa who loved the entire humanity.  Thus desire, possessiveness, sexual attractions and loyalty are all misunderstood as love.
What is true love?
A love without any desire to get anything in return, without any attempt to possess or control or change the other person, without any reason is true love.  Desire is born of head but love is born of heart.  Desire has a reason, a target but not love.  If you love a girl and want to possess her, you make her a slave, her very freedom is lost.  Marriage legally commits that crime.  True love always guarantees the freedom of the loved, never imposes any conditions on the loved, and is always ready to give itself totally.  Love towards all in existence without any difference, whether the small grass or big star, blood relations or strangers, the beautiful or the ugly, the rich or the poor, people of your religion or the other is the true love that always arises from the Enlightened one.  Meditation leads to Great Silence which becomes Source of your true love.

Sensitivity - Your Spiritual Excellence

Take a tree.  The leaf, root, bud, flower, fruit and all are parts of the tree.  The whole tree is within a small seed, simply existing with all potentials. If we look at the small seed, it may look ordinary and of not much importance because we could not see any leaf or flower or fruits within it.  Existence is like that, being formless, not visible to any eyes or scientific instrument, looking almost nothing.  But within which everything exists, from which everything emerges, which is in everything.  The whole universe has emerged from it and being operated by it.
Any two things in existence is neither superior nor inferior to each other. They are not equal to each other but unique in their own way.  Leaf is no way superior or inferior to the root but both are unique in their own nature, potentials, function, etc.  Simply they are part of trees.  Small ant and biggest elephant, small stone and the biggest star and all such two things are neither superior, nor inferior, nor equal but unique in themselves.
You too are on the same line.  You are part of existence and you have emerged from existence and you are the existence itself.  No man is an island. You are connected with all in existence and therefore you can communicate with all in existence in past, present and future.
You are existence.  What you see around you are all simply you but in different forms and different names.  The dress you wear, the watch you use, the pen you have, the girl, sun, mountain, and whatever you see are simply you only.  The object, the watcher and the consciousness that is watching are all you only.  You belong to everything and everything belongs to you.  You are in everything and everything is in you.  How can you get or lose anything from outside when you are Everything.  You have nothing to achieve.  You have no destination to reach because you are everywhere.  This Great Sensitivity, this Great Sense of Belonging is Your Spiritual Excellence.

January 23, 2014

Silence - not Peace but the Less Known You

Peace, not silence, is the absence of noise, enmity and war outside.  Silence is the absence of your mind which is always chattering within you.  Silence is not attained when you take efforts and do something for it.  You find it when you you don't take any efforts but in just being relaxed, in your non-doing.  You cannot get it because you are Silence.
It is the very centre of your being - the centre of a great cyclone.  It is where your head stops functioning and your heart starts functioning.  Your consciousness is alive where your mind dies. 
Pleasure is physical and sensual from objects and persons through senses; happiness is mental and you get it when you get promotion or relief from mental worries and so on; delight is hearty arising from your love  for nature and innocent children and so on.
Eternal joys and bliss are spiritual arising from your own eternal silence when you find yourself with all beings, with the existence.  You are blissful for no reason, getting the source from nowhere but from yourself.  It is divine, pure, eternal, spontaneous, overwhelming - the Great Liberation.

January 21, 2014

Heart - Better than Head

Your speech, writing, vision, listening, and your creativity such as poetry, music, dance and paintings can come out of you in two ways - either from head or from heart.  Almost ninety-nine percent of the people use only their head to express themselves.  Only the few meditative share their joys arising from heart, from profound peace, from the very centre of their being.
Whatever comes from head, that is unreal, unnatural, ugly, egoistic, aggressive, tainted with desires, your longings, anguish for appreciation and reward.
Whatever emerges from heart is sharing of inner harmony, inner joys, revelation of the existence itself and so it is so beautiful, natural, spontaneous, inexhaustible, melodious, blissful and the purest of all without any ambitions and ego.
The west is an example for the production from head whereas the east, from heart.  Meditation gradually makes one move from head to heart and at last everything from heart only- there you are the enlightened one, you are yourself.

January 20, 2014

What is Meditation? [ First Stage]

Meditation means doing nothing - the body without movements and the mind without thoughts.  when you start meditation, body can be made silent easily by simply sitting in a calm place but not the mind which goes on chattering. 
First stage :  Sit in a calm place in a relaxed way by dropping down all your past memories, future expectations, desires, commitments and responsibilities. Close your eyes.  Come out of your body and watch your own body from top to bottom, inch by inch as if you are watching somebody else's body.  Now you are subject and the body is object.  The object is a visible solid one but the subject which is watching is consciousness, an invisible one that is you.  Now watch both the object and the subject.  All your chattering will stop here and you move towards great silence. Then you can watch a tree, bird, the moon, book, and any solid objects and you are the subject, invisible consciousness.  You watch then both the subject and object.  Thus it is easy to start your meditation by watching your body and all other objects.
Watch simply without any thoughts, comments or ideas. If any realisation truth about body or revelation arises, allow it - that is the wisdom arising out of your own peace.  But don't expect or desire for it.  Meditation is flowering of yourself - not something of planning and building with great ideas.

January 18, 2014

Charity ~ an Unreal Cunning Word

You go to your relatively's house and stay there as a guest for a few days.  Can you donate the things and money in that house to poor people?  Is it charity? The earth is the guest house.  You are a guest and stay here for few years.  When you come here through the entrance gate called your mother's womb, you are just naked. You have no gold ornaments on you, no dress on you, no money or property with you.  What is yours that you can give to others?  Everything is common to all on earth left by our forefathers who once lived on earth as guests.  You are absolutely free to use and enjoy anything on earth being a honourable guest.  But how can you register anything on your name and say stupidly as it is your property. 
When the guests on earth called people produce surplus, some criminals take and reserve them as their property officially.  It is mere looting.  This leads to the category called poor people. Thus all rich men and billionaires on earth are great thieves.  A thief's help cannot be called as charity. 
Our forefathers have left the world for us as culturally and technologically as possible.  You have to leave this guest house still more beautiful, joyful, comfortable and developed for your great grand descendants.
Lift your soul from saying  ''it is mine'' to  ''nothing is mine''.  When the Exit Gate opens and death's call comes, every guest has to leave this guest house without taking anything with them.  Be a happy and free guest.  Why do you imprison yourself in the name of property and imprison others in the name of poverty? Why do you draw imaginary lines on earth and call them foolishly and ignorantly as it is my home, my country and my property?  Why do you pretend to be charitable man after stealing things as your property.

January 15, 2014

Heaven or Hell -not a place

Heaven or hell is not a place to enter after death.  It is a state of your experience.  When you are in perfect harmony with yourself, when you are yourself, you are the enlightened one, being ever blissful - then you are in heaven.  You are fulfilled having nothing to desire and never with a chance to get disappointed.
When you are fragmented in yourself, with desires followed by failures, expectations followed by disappointments, and eventually frequently haunted by miseries, you find yourself in hell. 
Silence is the passport to heaven, and Desire, the gateway to hell.  Meditation leads to peace. 

January 14, 2014

Aloneness - not Loneliness

Ordinary people feel loneliness and the Enlightened are in aloneness.  Ask the question who you are.  When you don't understand yourself, it means that you are away from yourself.  Almost all people except the few enlightened, are away from themselves and don't even ask who they are.  They always seek companions because they are always afraid of loneliness. Their companions are not merely friends but television, games, books, chat, etc.  They are engaged with something or other to get rid of loneliness. When they stop all such activities, when they silently sit without doing or thinking anything, they find themselves at home - that is aloneness.  They are themselves now - the Enlightened ones.
You may leave an ordinary man and an enlightened sage in a forest.   The first one will be afraid of loneliness, afraid of animals and have worries of food, shelter and other things needed for him whereas the sage will be in blissful being the Emperor of the Kingdom of Everlasting Silence.  He will witness that he is all and in all and he cannot have any companions  He is alone now not lonely.

January 11, 2014

How many blankets around your aathma!

The first blanket covering your aathma is your flesh and bones.  The second blanket around you is the skin of your body covering both aathma and flesh and bones. The third natural blanket is the hair on your body. The fourth blanket around you is the dress you wear -  except eyes the entire body is covered especially in the case of Muslim women.  The blanket you use while sleeping especially during winter is your fifth blanket.  How many blankets around your aathma!

January 09, 2014

The True Renunciation

One day in your life you go to a strange house where you find some ladies, gents and children whom you have never seen in your life, with whom you have no connection anyway.  The things at house look Strange to you.  You become the renounced when your own home, family members and properties appear to as mentioned above.
All your past and experiences and desires seem those of Mr. Someone as if you have no connection with them.  No binding is felt.  Even the earth you stand now looks the unknown planet you have ever visited.  You have nothing to think and nowhere or everywhere to go. 
The liberated soul with utter freedom float through the life undisturbed by anything.
People around you and the things you see appear passing clouds in the everlasting sky.  You, the eternal existence witness the visible as ever dying waves of the ocean.