February 02, 2014

Success in Competition - a Real Failure in You

Many people work hard and try to succeed in competitions.  But it is a stupid attempt to nurture the evil in you.
You are spiritually born again when your ego dies.  It is your ego that is the greatest obstacle on your spiritual journey. How to drop down your ego answers the question what I mean by the title of this article.
What is ego? Your intention to be recognised as greater than others in physical appearance, knowledge, wealth, social status and talent is your ego.  When something is very difficult, a challenge, a competition, a problem, then your ego is interested in it. You want to achieve for the mere satisfaction of your ego.
War or fight or any quarrel is but for the satisfaction of your ego to prove that you are greater than others in bravery.  All games and sports are developing your ego and exploiting you, wasting your valuable time just to satisfy your ego in the name being recognised as a talented one.  Your attempt to become the number one billionaire of the world is to satisfy your ego, with financial recognition.
Your lust for power and even the one for knowledge is just to satisfy your ego.  Today's education is developing this ego further by posing so many exams, competitions, etc.  You go so far away from yourself, in the name of so called achievements and public recognitions.
Competition declares that one is the greatest of all in that particular aspect, and ranks others in order, as second, third, fourth.  But in reality, every human being, even anything in the universe is unique and incomparable in itself.  What you are is definitely greater than how should be.  The society doesn't allow you to be yourself, and it always keeps you in a race to overtake others.  It adds fuel to your already burning ego. Now in your utter madness, you don't know who you are. You have forgotten that you are not to fight with others, but to love others.  You are by birth unique and why do you foolishly strive hard to be greater than others?  Some people who fail in games, competition, and exams, even committe suicide.  Their ego has grown to such extent that it cannot endure any failure.

The greatest achievement is not  in making others know you, but in allowing yourself to know the real yourself.  You need victory over yourself, not over others.  You need to drop down your ego, not to develop and and take it to the peak.  Be silent in yourself, in the centre of yourself as the centre of a cyclone, being unaffected.

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