February 26, 2014

Success - the Most Decorated False Word

To carry out a task under certain conditions or to perform the best of all is called success.  Everyone wants to be successful.  Why?  To be joyful.  In reality, those who are successful are not always joyful.  Again, to be joyful you need not be successful.  In fact all the efforts you take to be successful, and the failure, if any, take you for away from your joys.
The idea to be successful is a desire or lust nurtured by some traditional stupid persons.  Imagine any game or race, can all be successful? Impossible.  999 out of thousand fail and fall utterly disappointed and sad just for the joy of one who is successful.
The real success is not in doing great and difficult things but in doing nothing physically and mentally that is called the greatest meditation, that is the most difficult but powerful source of energy for man, if he can, at least for half an hour.  That leads to the release of greatest potentials and E S P power through profound silence that arises in you.
If your joy arises from external sources, it can never be permanent.  One day you are successful and another day somebody else. But GREAT SILENCE in you brings you non stop awareness and consciousness  that results in everlasting joys in you without any pain to others or to you the least.

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