February 01, 2014

Your Birth is In Your Death

At present your mind is you. But it is not the real you.  The real you can be found only in the death of your mind. It is possible if only you drop down all your thoughts in your mind, if only your mind stops chattering.
You are full when you have no mind, no thoughts, but being aware of it.  You are a very small fragment of you if your mind is full of thoughts.  So attempt murder of the so called you, erase all your thoughts and empty your mind. 
Your thoughts are nothing but echoes of past or desires, plans, expectations and ideas of future.  Be a man of no past and future to become a man of full present, to find the real you, to attain non-stop awareness .  Do the following meditation.
Stage one.
Sit relaxed in a peaceful place.  Close your eyes.  Tell your mind you don't remember anything happened in your past, any person in the past, including your relations, home, working place and even your name.  Just watch your mind by doing this.  You may feel great aloneness, as if you lost everything.,don't be afraid.  You will find great silence, from the absence of the chattering of your mind about your past.

Move to the second stage.  Drop out all your aims, desires and plans of future.  Be only at present.  A great silence has arisen in you now, a great nothingness. Stay there for sometime with complete silence and watch only that silence.  For the first time in your life you experience it, for the first time in your life you find yourself.  A great joy as if from enlightened buddha arises in you.

To hear this is to know this with your mind. To experience this is to know yourself, to be yourself and to live yourself, after murdering the so called your present you.

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