January 27, 2014

Intelligence and Stupid people

Your ability to respond to a situation in a brilliant and innovative way is intelligence and your inability for the same is your stupidity.  For the same question asked everyday intelligent people have different answer but the stupid people always have the same readymade answer on all situations.
Intelligent people enjoy complete freedom in thinking whereas unintelligent people are imprisoned by their religious consciousness, class consciousness, money consciousness, patriotism, and political attachment. 
Intelligent people respect themselves and never underestimate or overestimate themselves.  They know that they are as unique and incomparable as everything and everybody in the universe.  But unintelligent people repeat somebody as greater than themselves and worship them.  Blindly follow them without never asking a question.  Intelligent people are always fresh, new, innovative, free, impartial and truthful and the unintelligent are the quite opposite of it.

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