January 25, 2014

How many holes are in your body!

We clean our house and the dirty water goes out through a hole; we clean vessels in kitchen and the dirty water goes out through another hole; we clean our body and the dirty water (sometimes along with urine goes out through a hole; similarly all our waste through another hole in toilet; smoke from kitchen through another hole called chimney.  The holes in our house help a lot to keep it clean.  But do you know that our body which itself is a house within which we live has many holes to keep ourselves clean?  For male, the holes are 9 and for female, 11.
Both ears are the first two holes through which dirty liquid waste and sometimes from broken head the blood comes out.  Any dust within ears turn into small balls and automatically comes out through these holes.  Any sound including others speech turns into wave form and enter us through these holes called ears- two way road.
The third and fourth holes are both eyes  from which tears flow out , role down like small hot balls and then ike thin falls.  Hot liquid whitish waste also comes out through these holes, especially while getting up from sleep. These eyes are not mere holes but 1000.1 mega pixel camera and taking snaps whatever they see and developing into prints immediately into mind -monitor and always keeping a copy in inexhaustible memory of the  brain, the god-made computer.
The fifth and sixth holes are our nostrils through which dirty air carbon-di - oxide goes out and pure life giving air oxygen goes in.  Sneezing and pushing out whitish liquid waste during cold are done only through these holes. These holes are never closed before death.
The seventh biggest hole is our mouth through which water, cool drinks and all solid food enter the body to into body.  All unwanted Saliva, undigested food and yawning come out through these holes and keep our body clean.  The doors called lips (used also in sex) close and open as required to make our sweet speech.
The eighth and ninth holes are below the abdomen in front and in between buttocks in back.  The whole body is cleaned inside by nature and the dirty hot salt water called urine comes out though this  8th hole.  Sperm for male or menstrual waste for female also come out through this hole and keeps refreshed and energetic.  Solid unwanted waste from digested food called excretion comes out through the ninth hole.  These nine holes are common to both genders but the 10th and 11th hole on breasts are temporarily open for women especially after issue of Child to provide milk. 
There are thousands of invisible and unnoticed holes all over the skin to emit sweating.  How graceful Nature is!

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