April 14, 2013

Skeleton Meditation

Meditating on the bones of ourselves and of others ignoring the body and flesh at perception is called skeleton meditation.  Food is the original source of bones in our body and the imprints in the body(especially in genes) give them shapes.  The structure and design of the bones emerge from need, habits, traditional usages - mostly from the way in which we use them.  

The strength of the body is in the hardness of the bones.  Man is just a bag full of flesh to be carried if not with bones.  The bones you had yesterday and the ones you have now are not entirely the same.  Every second cells in the bones die away and new cells occupy the place, thus everyday you have new bones until your death.

Bones, unlike other beautiful parts of the body, take thousands of years to die away completely.  Boneless man is a heap of flesh, with no structure or shape, so ugly to think of or look at.  Flesh-less man with bone is a skeleton, an object of study in the science lab or a piece of entertainment in ghost film or on magician's stage.

The exercises given to bones make them strong.  Those who look only at the bones in everyone never become a victim of the flesh.  Whomsoever you see, just see the bones in them, removing all flesh and skin that has covered over.  Talk to them with the same look, no temptation, no ego, no gender difference, no religious difference, etc, will arise in the mind.  Look at all people moving here and there in the busy world around you, driving or working, or doing anything, ripped of all their flesh and other parts, witnessing only their bones inside, then the whole world is a world of skeleton, a new world that others miss to see, a world of equality where no hierarchy exists.

The article on "How to do skeleton meditation?" will be published soon in the second part.

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