April 13, 2013

Misconception about Osho's Sex Meditation

It is generally thought by many people that Osho takes people on the wrong path and he is an enemy to cultural and religious values because he has said that there is nothing as right or wrong - if you wish, do it.  It also applies to his sex meditation.  Since there is no restriction in his ashram, the sanyasins are likely to be with opposite sex, if they wish and that is why HIV test has been made compulsory before entering his ashram.  Many religious people feel that he is a devil from hell since he severely criticised many religions and the values they preached.
     Osho never said that all people can reach god only through sex.  He has guided to transcend the sex - to go beyond that.  He asks to aspire for something more valuable than sex, money, etc.  He wants everyone to be multi-dimensional in views, in experiences, in thoughts, in actions, in perspectives, in everything.  If we say that God is everywhere and if it is accepted by most of the religions, then God is the only one who is existing everywhere - there is no place for evils.  If there is a place for evil in the world, then the statement the God is everywhere must be wrong.  Osho truely and beautifully says that God is everywhere, and so everything is divine.  When every human being and every object is divine, how you can reject it is his valid question.
     Even he did not suggest Buddha's renunciation.  He wants all his sanyasins not to leave their family but to change it a heaven.  Every moment of life should be a celebration to the soul.  Osho is a firm supporter of truth.  He accepts truth which is in all religions.  He says that truth comes from heart and lies come from head.  One who is always with truth can rejoice every moment because it means that God is always with him.  "The kingdom of God is within you" and what Osho says both are the same.  
     Osho sanyasins never compel or force the other one for sex.  Rather when they rejoice and shed all their stresses in different dance yogas, they naturally go beyond sex , go beyond their own ego, go beyond all their unwanted thoughts and loaded useless memories.  If  A loves B and B also loves A, they do what they like without the knowledge of others, behind the screen, behind the law.  It is happening everywhere in all countries.  This is not considered as crime by anybody.  But they find fault with a great philosopher, scientist, yogi and the truely enlightened man.  If a government says, use condom to be away from AIDS, it is right.  But if they do HIV test in ashram, it is wrong.  What a great joke it is!  
     Religious practice should be like this and that, an ashram should be like this and that, in this way having our mind with fixed taught thoughts, we should not judge.  Again most of the people who find fault with Osho's ashram and his teachings, have never visited his ashram in person and never did at least one of more than 30 yogas that he has introduced.  Don't argue that  a poison need not be tasted to be judged.  Believe in your self-control and awareness and visit, practice and then judge.

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