April 11, 2012

Philosophy of Life- Part 1

1. The key for wisdom: Go back or front, grow big or small as long as you can in terms of time and place and own wisdom.

2. Detached attachment, just as the water on the lotus leaf, is the key to release ‘the aspiring soul for salvation’ from worldly memories.

3. The absence of body-consciousness results in the presence of super-consciousness and vice versa.

4. Purity and wisdom are the invaluable property of the renounced.

5. Desire makes man weak physically, mentally, spiritually and financially.

6. This world is the open prison where Consciousness indulges in merry-making unknowingly imprisoned by the invisible gates of Innocence, Ignorance and Illusion.

7. Existence is illusion; Nothing exists.

8. When we say, “I grow, I am sick, I am handsome or beautiful, I am lean or fat or tall…” we mean that I = body. We are body-conscious. But the body is not me. It is a house where I am living; it is a vehicle by which I travel around the world. The house I live or the vehicle I ride cannot be called as me. Vacating the house cannot be called as death. The things I possess and I must be different.

9. A diamond is covered with dust being buried at the bottom of a dustbin. Its light is hidden, not lost. Our duty is to clean and find the actual bright light and noble value. Our atman (aathma) is that diamond. Body is gifted to us to clean the impurities covering atman through purity of thoughts, words and deeds. Nothing is to develop, or improve or get. The liberation of consciousness from impurities is what we need.

10. Our body never takes birth and never dies. A group of fundamental energy particles (atoms) jointly function together and we call it water. When they are separated from the group, they become water vapor and then disappear from our eyes (but still function individually and invisibly). Similarly is our body. Union and separation cannot be called as birth and death.


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