April 18, 2012

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Meditation is a part of Yoga - the seventh stage as introduced by Patanjali Maharishi.  Concentrating your mind on any particular thing or person without deviation from it is what we say meditation.  For example, you may think only of the candle light for 10 minutes without disturbance of other thoughts, or you may even see your father or mother in your mind without any other thoughts.  This is meditation.  In Kundalini Yoga, your mind is trained to concentrate on life-force from which our mind emerges.  Life-force is a group of trillions of invisible fundamental energy particles rotating in your body.  Because of its rotation, bio-magnetism is produced in your body.  It is this bio-magnetism that forms the basis for the function of internal and external organs in our body.  The conversion or transformation of this bio-magnetism is called our mind.  So mind comes from bi o-magnetism that comes from life-force.  In Kundalini Yoga, we concentrate our mind on life-force from which our mind emerges.
     'Kundam' means heat or fire and 'ali' means neither a male or female.  Our life-force cannot be distinguished as male or female that is why it is called as ali.  It is centered in our body just one inch above our anus, that is, in the center of our body ( behind the edge of spinal cord at the bottom).  Kundalini initiation means that lifting up this sakthi or force from the Mooladharam (center of our body) to the Agna (the place between two eyebrows where pituitary gland is found).  This is also called as Dheeksha.  In those days, it took fourteen years to a yoga practicer to achieve this by producing heat (kundam) with the help of mantras or breathing exercises and again it was difficult because he has to observe bramacharya life(to be without marriage and sexual desire).  But today, even being in family life, without going to forest, without taking 14 years, just in 5 minutes, with the help of already experienced yoga master, the initiation is given.  As soon as the initiation is given the practicer feels the force of life-force (kundalini sakthi) between his eyebrows and his mind turns from beta wave (14 to 40 cycles) to alpha wave (8 to 13 cycles).  The more you concentrate the more your mind becomes peaceful and the tension flies off.
See other related articles for further details.

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