April 20, 2012

Did you ever ask this question - Who am I?

     We affix our passport size photo in ID card or other documents to enable others to identify us.  We mean that this particular body or figure is 'I'.  But the body is not 'I', it is just a house wherein I live, or a vehicle by which I travel around the world.
     When we say, "I am sick, I am bleeding, I am handsome or beautiful, I am young or old" actually we are body conscious.  We think that we are body.  What we do in our everyday life is nothing but cleaning the part of the body (brushing), cleaning the body (bathing), decorating the body (using perfumes and powder), feeding the body (eating and drinking), charging the body (sleeping) and sweating for the body (working for the needs of body).  Most of the people, not all, are body conscious and always go after sensual pleasures bending morals to their need.
     When water is boiled, it becomes water vapor and disappears from our view, but it does not die.  Water is a group of atoms, when they are heated, atoms in the group get separated and function by keeping one another at a distance.  But when they again join together they become clouds and later rain.  Our body is also just a group of atoms, like any other thing in the world.  If they get separated, they will also disappear from our view.       If somebody asks, "who are you?", we say, "I am Peter or so and so".  The name is not you.  Even if the name is changed, you are not changed - you have the same limbs and other organs.  Your character is not changed.  If we call a cow as pig, the cow will not become pig or do things like pig.  So name is just to identify an object or a person's body.  So name is not you.
     A thought in your mind: " I must meet him tomorrow."  Did you think that?, or did your mind think that?  'You thought' is correct.  'Your mind thought' is also correct.  Then, you = your mind.  If you are your mind, you cannot be seen by anybody, because your mind cannot be seen by anybody.  Your mind can go to any distant place in a fraction of second, then it means that you can go to any place with a fraction of second.  In this way, continue your thinking and find our many secrets about you.
    So to know about your mind more is to know about you more.

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