January 06, 2013

Bhagavat Gita - A Gateway to Moktsha

Bhagavat Gita is a Hindu Holy Book which is actually  a part of  the Mahabharatha, one of the two greatest epics in India ( the other being, the Ramayana).  It has 18 chapters which consist of 700 slogas.  It is believed to have come directly from Lord Krishna and it is Vyasa who brought it in writing. (A sage who has attained moktsha must be considered as god, since he is one with god and delivers spiritual messages being an instrument to god).

What is the aim of birth?  To realise god and get united with Him is the aim of god and the aim of Bhagavat Gita is to guide humanity to attain this aim.  The entire scripture is in the form of dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield.  (Arjuna represents all devotees, the entire humanity.)

Bhagavat Gita shows two ways to realise god and attain salvation.
1. Gnana Yoga :
     God is everywhere.  God is in all. God is in the form of all.  The things and people we see are not permanent.  God is paramaathma who is invisible, formless, fatherless, motherless, eternal and  the only one. He is formless but He is in the form of all as well.  He is eternal but He is the all impermanent things as well.  Sound is impermanent but the silence before and after the sound is permanent.  God is both the silence and sound.  Light is impermanent but the darkness before and after light is permanent.  God is both the light and darkness and thus He is eternal in His original form, that is, darkness.  This concept or truth is called tatwamasi.  Since God is all, man must be God.  You and I or anybody must be god.  Here arises the tatwa - I am God (Aham Brahmasmi).  The death of  "I" leads to realisation of Brahmam ( god) everywhere, including within me.
2. Karma Yoga:
    Do your duty and leave the result to God is what is known as karma yoga.  "I devote my body, thoughts, words and deeds to God and whatever happens I accept because it is the will of god" is the main spirit of karma yoga.  Absence of expectation leads to detachment from actions and human soul automatically get rid of all karmas (sins and the imprints from them).  To overcome desire is difficult.  To overcome one who has overcome desire is very difficult.  Always thinking of god and keeping the mind in detachment with the worldly affairs surely results is moktsha.

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