December 21, 2013

Past and future do not exist

Time with past present and future do not exist.  Division of time into years months weeks days hours and yesterday and tomorrow are all man's creation.  Just go away from earth, there is no day and night difference. 
Man who invented clock and calendar invented time for his convenience.   Empty space with everlasting existence remaining beyond all galaxies is the only being from which everything emerges, functions and at last dissolves into it.
Can anyone ever say exactly which is the first day and which is the last day? No one can say.   It is not because people do not know it is because no such things exist.
Imagine that the whole universe destroyed.  Or go back or imagine the time when no human beings exist on earth.  Who is there to calculate or interpret time?   Earth's rotation of itself led to day and night.  Even now if you are living in north pole or south pole, do you think that you will have day and night.
Tomorrow becomes today after one day and the same becomes  yesterday after two days.  Thus yesterday is not always yesterday and today is no longer today. 
Man with all his power can never go back into past to rectify his wrongs and loss.  He is never guaranteed for  his future life. Live ever peacefully and blissfully as a man of no past and future.

April 14, 2013

Skeleton Meditation

Meditating on the bones of ourselves and of others ignoring the body and flesh at perception is called skeleton meditation.  Food is the original source of bones in our body and the imprints in the body(especially in genes) give them shapes.  The structure and design of the bones emerge from need, habits, traditional usages - mostly from the way in which we use them.  

The strength of the body is in the hardness of the bones.  Man is just a bag full of flesh to be carried if not with bones.  The bones you had yesterday and the ones you have now are not entirely the same.  Every second cells in the bones die away and new cells occupy the place, thus everyday you have new bones until your death.

Bones, unlike other beautiful parts of the body, take thousands of years to die away completely.  Boneless man is a heap of flesh, with no structure or shape, so ugly to think of or look at.  Flesh-less man with bone is a skeleton, an object of study in the science lab or a piece of entertainment in ghost film or on magician's stage.

The exercises given to bones make them strong.  Those who look only at the bones in everyone never become a victim of the flesh.  Whomsoever you see, just see the bones in them, removing all flesh and skin that has covered over.  Talk to them with the same look, no temptation, no ego, no gender difference, no religious difference, etc, will arise in the mind.  Look at all people moving here and there in the busy world around you, driving or working, or doing anything, ripped of all their flesh and other parts, witnessing only their bones inside, then the whole world is a world of skeleton, a new world that others miss to see, a world of equality where no hierarchy exists.

The article on "How to do skeleton meditation?" will be published soon in the second part.

April 13, 2013

Misconception about Osho's Sex Meditation

It is generally thought by many people that Osho takes people on the wrong path and he is an enemy to cultural and religious values because he has said that there is nothing as right or wrong - if you wish, do it.  It also applies to his sex meditation.  Since there is no restriction in his ashram, the sanyasins are likely to be with opposite sex, if they wish and that is why HIV test has been made compulsory before entering his ashram.  Many religious people feel that he is a devil from hell since he severely criticised many religions and the values they preached.
     Osho never said that all people can reach god only through sex.  He has guided to transcend the sex - to go beyond that.  He asks to aspire for something more valuable than sex, money, etc.  He wants everyone to be multi-dimensional in views, in experiences, in thoughts, in actions, in perspectives, in everything.  If we say that God is everywhere and if it is accepted by most of the religions, then God is the only one who is existing everywhere - there is no place for evils.  If there is a place for evil in the world, then the statement the God is everywhere must be wrong.  Osho truely and beautifully says that God is everywhere, and so everything is divine.  When every human being and every object is divine, how you can reject it is his valid question.
     Even he did not suggest Buddha's renunciation.  He wants all his sanyasins not to leave their family but to change it a heaven.  Every moment of life should be a celebration to the soul.  Osho is a firm supporter of truth.  He accepts truth which is in all religions.  He says that truth comes from heart and lies come from head.  One who is always with truth can rejoice every moment because it means that God is always with him.  "The kingdom of God is within you" and what Osho says both are the same.  
     Osho sanyasins never compel or force the other one for sex.  Rather when they rejoice and shed all their stresses in different dance yogas, they naturally go beyond sex , go beyond their own ego, go beyond all their unwanted thoughts and loaded useless memories.  If  A loves B and B also loves A, they do what they like without the knowledge of others, behind the screen, behind the law.  It is happening everywhere in all countries.  This is not considered as crime by anybody.  But they find fault with a great philosopher, scientist, yogi and the truely enlightened man.  If a government says, use condom to be away from AIDS, it is right.  But if they do HIV test in ashram, it is wrong.  What a great joke it is!  
     Religious practice should be like this and that, an ashram should be like this and that, in this way having our mind with fixed taught thoughts, we should not judge.  Again most of the people who find fault with Osho's ashram and his teachings, have never visited his ashram in person and never did at least one of more than 30 yogas that he has introduced.  Don't argue that  a poison need not be tasted to be judged.  Believe in your self-control and awareness and visit, practice and then judge.

Oh! My Mysterious Life!

Oh! My Mysterious Life!
I was informed that
This was my father and that, my mother.
Many told and I believed.

I was declared as born Hindu
And I was given a name that I hadn’t wished at birth.
I was worn dresses compulsorily, at the death of ‘why’

Many circles, drawn around me such as
Culture, Religion, Gender, Custom, Marriage, Relations,
Language, Habits, Traditions, Education...

I was given artificial wings,
After casually plucked off my own wings.
“I looked beautiful,” they said.

The thoughts of others became mine.
The Wishes of others, mine.
The Directions of others, my path.

Mr. How rejoices hospitality, but
Mr. Why is exiled.
Doubts are crimes. Questions are sins.

Gigantic Buildings. Proud Billionaires.
Masters of G.K. Powerful Rulers.
Crowded Celebrities. The world, SO BIG.

I saw a dot before me within which
I saw my universe within which
I saw a dot, my earth. The world, so small.

People, colourful bubbles,
Dancing, before ‘burst’
So is the Entire Universe.

Atoms cunningly gang together
Masked as People, Animals, Mountains…
Deserving Oscar Award for their Play.

The very first year, the very last year,
My existence before birth, after death
Taught Soul, Knowingly Unknown God.

Hidden Happenings of Tomorrow,
Swallowed Comedies and Tragedies of Yesterday,
Unheeded Reality of Now.

Like a bike, petroling my stomach 3 times,
Running as directed by Destiny
Within Permitted Time.

With Devils inside, Gods in appearance,
With Hatred inside, Smiles outside,
With Lust looking for chances, With Sacredness, demanding worship.

Being Unnatural, enjoying natural landscapes
Being Unfaithful, fighting for truth,
Being selfish, Preaching philosophy of Love.

Oh! Mysterious Life,
I burn, burning myself and all, to exhaust the light.

Click to read the article about Osho's Sex Meditation

January 26, 2013

Of God

Disclaimer: This article is an attemptof the citizen of the world towards Understanding God.  It does not intend to refer or hurt any religion or religious person.
God must have the following characteristics or traits so that we can accept as God:
1.  He must be the most powerful of all. (the term 'He' is used only for reference sake)
     If He is not omnipotent, He must be disqualified from being god since a powerless god is a ridiculous one to think.
2.  God must be formless.  If He has form, He cannot be everywhere, He can be in only one place.  Anything that has form willhave birth and death.  So If God has form, He will be dead one day and will not be thereafter.  It is not reasonable.  Something which is formless will remain for ever and may not have birth, change and death or destruction.
3.  He can be only one.  
There cannot be two formless things.  Formless will be borderless, infinite.  There cannot be two infinite and borderless things.  Formless being can remain everywhere eternally.
4.  He must be fatherless and motherless.  Something which has form must come from something.  Something which has no form cannot come from anything. God who must be formless cannot come from anything or anybody.  So He must be without father and mother.
5.  He must be everywhere.  Since He is formless, He will be everywhere, in all, within all, even there where no things exist.
6.  He must be the root cause for the existence and function of the universe or everything.  Or one which is the root cause for the existence and function of the universe can be called as God.  An individual or anything else cannot function this universe cannot operate this universe in non-stop mode like this.
7.  He must be truth.  When something is true, we need not believe it.  If you have two hands, if it is true, what is the need to believe that you have two hands.  Similarly something that we believe may or may not be true.  Lies are many but truth can be only one.  
8.  God must ever be in connection with you and me.  God can never be disconnected from anything in the world.  If there is link between me and God, why Couldn't I realize or feel or see Him?  What is sent should be received so that communication will take place.  So man lacks something or he is in a different wavelength (frequency) of the mind that doesn't receive signals from god or makes him being unable to realise God.
9.  God must be eternal.  One who or which is formless cannot be killed by anybody or will not die at any time.  It must be everlasting.  
10. God must be understandable and realizable.  Understanding is concerned with mental ability that will not be same for all human beings in all time.  If one cannot understand today, it will not be same for all days.  If God is beyond our understanding and realization, He cannot be existing.  If He is existing, He must be within our understanding and realization.  
Kindly pause comments which will definitely throw lights on my path towards God.

I also write at the following
<a href="" title="Of God"><h1>Of God</h1></a>

January 06, 2013

Bhagavat Gita - A Gateway to Moktsha

Bhagavat Gita is a Hindu Holy Book which is actually  a part of  the Mahabharatha, one of the two greatest epics in India ( the other being, the Ramayana).  It has 18 chapters which consist of 700 slogas.  It is believed to have come directly from Lord Krishna and it is Vyasa who brought it in writing. (A sage who has attained moktsha must be considered as god, since he is one with god and delivers spiritual messages being an instrument to god).

What is the aim of birth?  To realise god and get united with Him is the aim of god and the aim of Bhagavat Gita is to guide humanity to attain this aim.  The entire scripture is in the form of dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield.  (Arjuna represents all devotees, the entire humanity.)

Bhagavat Gita shows two ways to realise god and attain salvation.
1. Gnana Yoga :
     God is everywhere.  God is in all. God is in the form of all.  The things and people we see are not permanent.  God is paramaathma who is invisible, formless, fatherless, motherless, eternal and  the only one. He is formless but He is in the form of all as well.  He is eternal but He is the all impermanent things as well.  Sound is impermanent but the silence before and after the sound is permanent.  God is both the silence and sound.  Light is impermanent but the darkness before and after light is permanent.  God is both the light and darkness and thus He is eternal in His original form, that is, darkness.  This concept or truth is called tatwamasi.  Since God is all, man must be God.  You and I or anybody must be god.  Here arises the tatwa - I am God (Aham Brahmasmi).  The death of  "I" leads to realisation of Brahmam ( god) everywhere, including within me.
2. Karma Yoga:
    Do your duty and leave the result to God is what is known as karma yoga.  "I devote my body, thoughts, words and deeds to God and whatever happens I accept because it is the will of god" is the main spirit of karma yoga.  Absence of expectation leads to detachment from actions and human soul automatically get rid of all karmas (sins and the imprints from them).  To overcome desire is difficult.  To overcome one who has overcome desire is very difficult.  Always thinking of god and keeping the mind in detachment with the worldly affairs surely results is moktsha.