January 05, 2020

Video Conference in Heaven

Lord Vishnu: Day by day,  my work load is increasing. I am totally restless in protecting ever rising population and widening Universe.  Lord Shiva, why are you lazy in doing your duty?

Lord Brahma: Yes,  he often falls in deep meditation and forgets his duty.

Lord Shiva:  Brahma,  If I destroy everything immediately that you create, there will be no Universe left. No culture,  no civilization, no evolution will exist.  No human beings will be there even to know and  worship us.

Lord Brahma: It sounds true.  I too create everything not for destruction but for living. Considering the burden of Vishnu, why can’t you be little bit fast in discharging your duties?

Lord Shiva: it’s all because of you.  You create both good and evil, useful and useless, beautiful and disgusting.  It takes time for me to decide on which one I should destroy first,  which one later. Vishnu is also confused sometimes.  The corrupt people thrive but Good people suffer in life.

Lord Vishnu, Shiva, mind your words.  I’m not in confusion.  Divine workings are behind the suffering of good people and flourishing of bad people.  It seems, You are not wise enough to understand that. My complaint is, you always rest in Kailaya, to make me restless in taking care of the growing big Universe.

Lord Siva: I work on two ways.  Everything decays each moment little by little and finally becomes nothing.  The other way is,  disasters and calamities, destruction at large scale. But if I decide on to destroy, you cannot protect.

Lord Vishnu: The reverse is true.  If I decide to protect,  you cannot destroy that.

Lord Brahma: Please stop quarrelling. I tell you this for all. There is no destruction actually.  Everything that moves,  works,  lives has to rest one day with Shiva. We are equally divine in nature,  inexhaustive in potentiality. Let the divine law work on in its own accord in all matters.

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