August 25, 2019

Meditation 4: The Demise of the Giant P F

Benefits :
1. You are relieved of all stress and worries connected with past and future.

2. You learn the art of detached attachment.

3. You start living in the present,  rather than carried away by past memories and overwhelming future expectations.

4. You approach impartially everything and everyone in the present as they are,  without reference to past and future.

5. Chattering mind grows into vibrant consciousness. Intuition/ awareness peaks.

Duration : about 10 minutes

Stage 1 (Dropping the Past)
Drop out everything about past from your mind. First drop out the memories about your family,  your parents,  life partner,  children,  brothers and sisters.

Let all your friends,  relations and neighbours go of your mind now.

Now let go of all people connected with you in your working place or study place.

Now disown all you own. You possess no car,  no home,  no jewels and nothing belongs to you now.
Now forget everything that happened till the last second in your life. Watch this empty past for 1 minute.

Stage 2 (Dropping the Future)
Now move to the future and drop out all your desires to be fulfilled in the future.   Let go your desire for opposite sex,  desire for money, desire for power,  fame and name.  Now say to your mind, 

I have no desire for anything,  no expectations about anything,  no plan to do anything. 

I have no aim,  no goals which are again strong desires in disguise. Empty your future,  and watch it for one minute.

Stage 3(Be alive to the present)
Now come back to the present.  Watch totally the present.  Watch where you are sitting,  how your body is breathing, feel how the wind touches your body,  listen totally to the sounds around and watch the silence between two sounds. 

Don’t think and refer to past or future.  Just watch and feel with closed eyes everything in the present.
Keep your mind totally here and now. Watch this present for one minute. 
Try to live in this present the whole day without referring to your past and future and enjoy the bliss arising from your pure consciousness that is alive in the present.

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