July 28, 2019

Meditation -2 Nine Center Meditation

The Nine Centres Meditation
The Nine Centres Meditation is the  process of focusing your consciousness on nine centres of which seven are in the body and two are outside the body. Doctors call these seven centres as endocrine glands while yogis name them chakras.  Each center can tune your consciousness to a certain frequency ranging from 0 to 14 cycles resulting in physical strength and spiritual development. 

The First Center, Mooladhar : just above the anus, the center of your body, adrenal gland

The Second Center,  Swadhistan: four inches below the navel,  sexual gland

The Third Center,  Manipurak : navel,  pancreas gland

The Fourth Center,  Anahat : four inches below the throat, thymus gland

The Fifth Center,  Vishukthi : throat,  thyroid gland

The Sixth Center,  Agna : between the eyebrows,  pituitary gland

The Seventh Center,  Thuriya or sahasrar: top of the head,  .pineal gland

The Eighth Center,  The Universe: the milky way,  all galaxies and solar systems

The Ninth Center,  The Infinite Space : beyond the universe,  the infinite,  dark,  formless and  silent space

Benefits of Nine Centres Meditation :
1. Body consciousness flowers into universal consciousness.

2. All glands are activated and therefore immunity of the body increases.

3. ESP improves.

4. Chattering mind disappears and consciousness and intuition grows.

5. Work stress,  health issues and depressions are rooted out.

Note: The time may be extended as per your wish and availability. When the thoughtful mind grows into thoughtless consciousness, energy will automatically get moving from one Centre to another center upwards.

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