September 12, 2016

Evolution of Ignorance

Evolution stage 1:
Man divides something into right or wrong, based on his religion, nationality, culture, knowledge, experience, etc.  Going to a temple to worship a statue of God is right to a Hindu, but wrong to a Muslim.  Bride wearing white dress at marriage is right in England, but wrong in India.  Playing with toys is right to a child, but wrong to a young or a middle aged one. Eating non-veg is right to someone’s knowledge and wrong to someone’s.

Evolution stage 2:
Whatever is right becomes good.  Whatever is wrong becomes bad.  Thus all things are divided into good things and bad things, all people into good people and bad people.  All behaviors, words, thoughts, deeds, into good and bad.  According to one’s own fulfillment of desires, needs, expectations or the benefits they get, all are classified into good and bad. The mind game goes on.

Evolution stage 3:
Dos and donts are framed from what is good and what is bad.  These are named as morals.  Following this is called discipline.

Evolution stage 4:
Good is divided into three -low, medium and high.  They are termed as good, better and best, by comparison.  The best are rewarded, liked, appreciated, honoured because they secured first place, in the race towards “high" level.  Bad is divided similarly as bad, worse and worst.  The worst are criticised, disliked, neglected, punished, insulted, because they reached “high" level in  “bad”.  Governments and religions joined together, laws were framed to do “justice”.

There are no good people and bad people – there are only people.  There are no good things and bad things – there are only things. There are no men and women – only human beings. Which is good to someone in someplace in some age in some religion is a bad one to someone else in others.

 Secondly, recognising good and punishing bad, the very effort to eradicate the negatives is ignorant. Without bad people, good people cannot exist.  If all are good on earth, the very word, good is meaningless.  Without ugliness, beauty cannot exist.  If all are beautiful, whom will you admire as beautiful.  If all are intelligent, whom will you honour as intelligent?  Ignorance is in the very desire to be good or best, beautiful or the most beautiful, intelligence or the most intelligent.

The mind game goes on.  People are good players.

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