January 26, 2013

Of God

Disclaimer: This article is an attemptof the citizen of the world towards Understanding God.  It does not intend to refer or hurt any religion or religious person.
God must have the following characteristics or traits so that we can accept as God:
1.  He must be the most powerful of all. (the term 'He' is used only for reference sake)
     If He is not omnipotent, He must be disqualified from being god since a powerless god is a ridiculous one to think.
2.  God must be formless.  If He has form, He cannot be everywhere, He can be in only one place.  Anything that has form willhave birth and death.  So If God has form, He will be dead one day and will not be thereafter.  It is not reasonable.  Something which is formless will remain for ever and may not have birth, change and death or destruction.
3.  He can be only one.  
There cannot be two formless things.  Formless will be borderless, infinite.  There cannot be two infinite and borderless things.  Formless being can remain everywhere eternally.
4.  He must be fatherless and motherless.  Something which has form must come from something.  Something which has no form cannot come from anything. God who must be formless cannot come from anything or anybody.  So He must be without father and mother.
5.  He must be everywhere.  Since He is formless, He will be everywhere, in all, within all, even there where no things exist.
6.  He must be the root cause for the existence and function of the universe or everything.  Or one which is the root cause for the existence and function of the universe can be called as God.  An individual or anything else cannot function this universe cannot operate this universe in non-stop mode like this.
7.  He must be truth.  When something is true, we need not believe it.  If you have two hands, if it is true, what is the need to believe that you have two hands.  Similarly something that we believe may or may not be true.  Lies are many but truth can be only one.  
8.  God must ever be in connection with you and me.  God can never be disconnected from anything in the world.  If there is link between me and God, why Couldn't I realize or feel or see Him?  What is sent should be received so that communication will take place.  So man lacks something or he is in a different wavelength (frequency) of the mind that doesn't receive signals from god or makes him being unable to realise God.
9.  God must be eternal.  One who or which is formless cannot be killed by anybody or will not die at any time.  It must be everlasting.  
10. God must be understandable and realizable.  Understanding is concerned with mental ability that will not be same for all human beings in all time.  If one cannot understand today, it will not be same for all days.  If God is beyond our understanding and realization, He cannot be existing.  If He is existing, He must be within our understanding and realization.  
Kindly pause comments which will definitely throw lights on my path towards God.

I also write at the following expertscolumn.com
<a href="http://expertscolumn.com/content/god" title="Of God"><h1>Of God</h1></a>

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