May 02, 2012

Yoga and the Three Imprints

Throughout our life, we think, speak and act, but our thinking, speech and actions are having their root in our imprints.  Whatever we think or do, they are recorded in our genetic center being processed through our brain cells.  From our three years of age, up to now whatever we thought or did are in our genetic center and they are called as 'praraptha karma' in yoga.  As we came from our father and mother, we get a xerox copy of their imprints during our birth - this includes not only our parents' imprints but also our forefathers (our father's mother and father, our mother's father and mother, and their fathers and mothers).  In this way up to the origin of man, it is counted and even goes back to animals from whom man evolutioned.  These imprints are called as 'sanchitha karma' in yoga.
     Our present character and knowledge is but the sum total of these imprints.  Our ability to act and think is rooted in these imprints.  Personality in true sense is these imprints only.  These two imprints produce desires and thoughts laying the path of our life before us.  Our desires and actions based on these imprints lead to the third type of imprints called 'Aakamiya Karma'.  'Kamyam' means desires.  So we have millions of imprints in us.  According to the right time, age, situation and need, they emerge from us as actions.
     Every thought becomes an imprint and every action becomes an imprint, and these imprints again become thoughts and actions. Thus our life goes on.  We have both good imprints and evil imprints.  A person with
50 %  good imprints and 50% bad imprints is called a normal man leading mundane life.  He experiences a chain of joys and sorrows depending upon the emergence of imprints within him.  One who has 90 % good imprints and 10 % bad imprints is recognized as 'mahatma' or 'a virtuous soul'.  One who has 10% good imprints and 90 % imprints is criticized as 'a wicked fellow' or 'a heartless criminal'.  These imprints are but our destiny in some way or , to say, they feed our destiny.
     Though we have millions of imprints, only some prints are active now and about the large number of imprints  are inactive.  In our daily life, our activities, thoughts and  habits substantiate these active imprints.  Once we change our habits and activities, these active imprints become inactive.  Our joys and sorrows are in our thoughts and actions which are from our imprints which came into existence because of previous thoughts and actions.  What a great play of natural law!
     Yoga aims at thoughtless state of mind which leads to no imprints.  The mind of yogi that mingles with 'brahman' (the almighty everywhere) which is formless becomes formless and thoughtless.  This state is called 'samathi' (equal to 'aathi').  A yogi is not affected by imprints and he makes all evil imprints inactive.  At the final stage, he is away from all imprints, mingling with god.  He first moves from body consciousness to universal consciousness from which he finally moves to god-consciousness.  He is away from all joys and sorrows since he is away from all imprints.  His heart is with everlasting peace that results in ecstasy.

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