May 31, 2012

Philosophy of Life (Part - 2)


  •             The joys and sufferings or any incidents in the past, present and future in our life are determined by our imprints in the genetic center.  Our memory shows past and present, and astrology mirrors the future as well.

  •      What is suffering? What is pleasure? The end of pleasure is suffering and the end of suffering is pleasure.  The barrier to our enjoyment is the source of our suffering.  The freedom to do what we like is the source of our pleasure.  But the realization of self with the atman, the knowledge of who I am is the source of eternal happiness called bliss. 

  •             All except the enlightened are sinners.  Freedom, Privacy, Money, Power, Favorable circumstances and the influence of Genetic Imprints make sinners.

  •              Sensual pleasure, whatever the quantity is, whoever gives it, how long it persists will never give satisfaction to the soul, rather increases the appetite and leads to suffering.

  •      The thing or person or action that gives you pleasure now will not give you the same.  At one stage ceases and starts giving pains.

  •      When the quantity or time or age changes, sorrows start from the same things or persons that gave us joys.

  •            The lust by what will destroy towards what will destroy is rubbishy.  The piety by what will destroy towards what will not destroy is outstanding.  The love by what will not destroy towards what will destroy is divine.

  •      An object or a person's value is not within but is supplied by external factors like one's knowledge, religion, power, etc., 

  •       Sensual appetite is harmful to 1.body, 2. peace of mind, 3. money, 4.relationship, 5. reason,  6. character and 7. valuable time.
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