November 30, 2019

Of What Bodhidharma Said to his Disciples before Death?

Bodhidharma’s selection of the disciple to run his mystic school after him throws light on the true spirit of teaching and learning and remains for ever the best guide for the attainment of fulfillment in one’s inner journey.

At the age of 90, Bodhidharma decided to leave for the Himalayas from China to end up his journey on the earth there and he asked all his disciples openly -Who among you is capable of running my mystic school after me?

None of his hundreds of disciples but five stood up.  He asked them to get out of the school and told that they were not at all his disciples.  Why?

Their response implied their ego,  their pride that they know more than others , their desire to be recognized by the world next to Bodhidharma. They don’t even learn the ABC of Bodhidharma’s teaching. (Modern people would have appreciated their self confidence and courageousness to standup  first, but not the spiritual master Bodhidharma).

He then walked through his disciples looking deep into the eyes of everyone and finally chose four among them. He asked only one question and conditioned that their answer should be very brief. His simple question  was: What is the essence of my whole teaching and this mystic school?

The First Disciple said,  “Meditation”.
Bodhidharma told,  “You have my skin. Go back to your seat. “

Why is the first disciple rejected?   Of course Meditation is the Way. It is the Key to open all your inner treasures. It is the only answer for all questions about the mystery of life. But to Bodhidharma Meditation is the beginning. It’s the Entry. There is much remains beyond this.  It matters more for the beginners of spiritual journey but not for those who have traveled long. Hence Bodhidharma says,  the disciple’s answer is only his skin deep.

The Second Disciple said,  “Enlightenment.”
Bodhidharma said,  “You have my bones. Go back to your seat. “

All his other disciples got shocked.  Can there ever be any better answer than this? Enlightenment,  also known as Moktsha, Mukthi, Salvation, Gnana, Fulfillment and Nirvana is the aim of almost all seekers. All renounce all only for this enlightenment. But, to Bodhidharma, even the desire for enlightenment is a desire that should be renounced.  His mystic school is not for those seekers of enlightenment who have the desire for it. The essence of his teaching is still deeper than this. Hence, he says,  the disciple’s answer is his bones-deep,  but deeper than the previous answer that is skin-deep.
The Third Disciple replied, “I really don’t know. “

Bodhidharma said to him,  “You have my marrow. Go back to your seat. “
Knowledge is power that is what the world generally thinks.  But to Bodhidharma, knowledge, too much of learning is the greatest obstacle to realise truth.  Christians are filled with too much about the Bible but that itself becomes the barrier to understand truth in the Gita and the Koran. And the same applies to followers of other religions.  Your belief and knowledge about something prevents you from accessing the valuable in others’ treasure house. Unlearn to learn is the greatest teaching of Bodhidharma. Be empty to be full that is his profound message that is this disciple’s answer. He can  more quickly learn than other disciples the essence of his teachings. Bodhidharma rejects him because he knows something when he says,  he doesn’t know.  He still knows to the extent that he doesn’t know.  He’s still not empty, fully. But he has gone deeper than other disciples in understanding his teachings and hence Bodhidharma says,  the disciple’s answer is marrow-deep.

The Fourth Disciple came to Bodhidharma and fell at his feet. He had no answer.  He remained in utter silence and tears of gratitude for the master and his teachings rolled down from his cheeks.

Bodhidharma said,  “You have my being.” He selected him.

The essence of all teachings of Bodhidharma and his mystic school is Silence. Every soul comes Home only in eternal silence.  It is only Silence that takes you to the Centre of yourself while all worldly affairs takes you fat away from your centre and makes you roam around the circumference of your being.  Silence is where God is.  Silence is where truth is.  Silence is where you are.  Be silent to be yourself is the essence of Bodhidharma’s teachings.

The Fourth Disciple’s answer is the profoundest of all and it implies and includes the answers of other three disciples as well: Meditation is for the silence of your heart to realise yourself.  Enlightenment is the silence of your heart after realisation of yourself. Eternal silence at heart zeroes your  thoughts which are but reflections of your so called knowledge and all learnings and brings you to the Supreme state: I don’t know.

November 11, 2019

Questions Many But Answer One

  1. Which is the tastiest fruit in the world? 
  2. Which area is still not explored by discovery channel? 
  3. Which is the remedy for all diseases?
  4. Who is God? 
  5. Which is the most difficult language to learn? 
  6. Who am I?
  7. What cannot be bought by the trillionaires of the world? 
  8. Where did all in the universe come from? 
  9. Which one will keep your body and mind fully energetic? 
  10. Which is the most valuable gift of God that was denied to most of the people? 
The only answer is : SILENCE.

August 25, 2019

Meditation 4: The Demise of the Giant P F

Benefits :
1. You are relieved of all stress and worries connected with past and future.

2. You learn the art of detached attachment.

3. You start living in the present,  rather than carried away by past memories and overwhelming future expectations.

4. You approach impartially everything and everyone in the present as they are,  without reference to past and future.

5. Chattering mind grows into vibrant consciousness. Intuition/ awareness peaks.

Duration : about 10 minutes

Stage 1 (Dropping the Past)
Drop out everything about past from your mind. First drop out the memories about your family,  your parents,  life partner,  children,  brothers and sisters.

Let all your friends,  relations and neighbours go of your mind now.

Now let go of all people connected with you in your working place or study place.

Now disown all you own. You possess no car,  no home,  no jewels and nothing belongs to you now.
Now forget everything that happened till the last second in your life. Watch this empty past for 1 minute.

Stage 2 (Dropping the Future)
Now move to the future and drop out all your desires to be fulfilled in the future.   Let go your desire for opposite sex,  desire for money, desire for power,  fame and name.  Now say to your mind, 

I have no desire for anything,  no expectations about anything,  no plan to do anything. 

I have no aim,  no goals which are again strong desires in disguise. Empty your future,  and watch it for one minute.

Stage 3(Be alive to the present)
Now come back to the present.  Watch totally the present.  Watch where you are sitting,  how your body is breathing, feel how the wind touches your body,  listen totally to the sounds around and watch the silence between two sounds. 

Don’t think and refer to past or future.  Just watch and feel with closed eyes everything in the present.
Keep your mind totally here and now. Watch this present for one minute. 
Try to live in this present the whole day without referring to your past and future and enjoy the bliss arising from your pure consciousness that is alive in the present.

August 11, 2019

Meditation 3: The Divine Flowering

Meditation 3 – The Divine Flowering
Duration : 10 minutes
1. Realization of both self and the Divine Self emerges.

2. Consciousness undertakes a journey beyond time and place.

3. The evolution of both the universe and God is realized.

4. Long and regular practice liberates oneself from mundane life.

How to do?
Stage 1 : Watching the Human World (1minute)
Watch in your mind people in a crowd,  in a gathering, in public places and so on.  Gradually go back in time,  100years before,  1000 years before,  then the origin of the human race and watch people during the earliest time for 1 minute.

Stage 2 : Watching the Tree,  Birds and Animal World (1 minute)
Go back to the time when there were no human beings on earth,  but only trees,  birds and animals and watch them.  Still go back in time and simultaneously watch how they are decreasing in number when move to the origin of this world for 1 minute.

Stage 3: Watching the Earth (1 minute)
Still go back in time and watch the earth that is without any living beings – no trees,  no birds,  no animals and no human beings. There is no country,  no government,  no buildings and roads,  a strange earth that we have never seen before. Watch this earliest earth for 1 minute.

Stage 4 : Watching the Water World (1minute)
Still move back in time when the entire earth was just in the form of water.  The whole planet is just a watery sphere with hydrogen and oxygen mixed together in the ratio of 2:1, that is H2o. Watch this water world for one minute.

Stage 5 : Watching the Fire World (1 minute)
Still go back to the previous stage of the earth, the fire sphere. The entire earth looks like a big fire ball before you, full of hydrogen. Watch fire world for 1 minute.

Stage 6 : Watching the Atmosphere,  the air zone (1 minute)
Still go back to earlier stage of the earth,  the air sphere, also called atmosphere that is full of oxygen. Watch and feel the entire air zone that has not yet evolved into fire, hydrogen. Watch this air world for 1 minute.

Stage 7 : Watching the Aakaash,  the primary energy particles (1 minute)
Move back further to the previous stage,  when there is only Aakaash,  the space that is full of primary energy particles, which are invisible to the naked eyes but clearly watchable by your consciousness. Watch this widely spread sky for one minute.

Stage 8: Watching the Divine Self (1 minute)
Before atoms came into existence, the whole space was empty of the entire universe, no planets,  no stars,  nothing but formless state,  infinite space,  the darkest space. It is the the darkest one because there is no atoms or stars here.  There is no air, no sound here. And it is the most silent space. Watch this infinite divine space for 1 minute.

Stage 9 : Watching the divine flowering (1minute)
This infinite space with its ever self compressive force first evolved into primary energy particles Akaash,  then still increasing in number became Air,  then Fire,  then water with the combination of hydrogen and oxygen,  then earth,  then into trees,  birds and animals.  Finally it flowered into human beings to realize its own self. This divine self flowered into the entire universe, you and me and present within all and everywhere. Watch this evolution, the divine flowering for 1 minute. 

July 28, 2019

Meditation -2 Nine Center Meditation

The Nine Centres Meditation
The Nine Centres Meditation is the  process of focusing your consciousness on nine centres of which seven are in the body and two are outside the body. Doctors call these seven centres as endocrine glands while yogis name them chakras.  Each center can tune your consciousness to a certain frequency ranging from 0 to 14 cycles resulting in physical strength and spiritual development. 

The First Center, Mooladhar : just above the anus, the center of your body, adrenal gland

The Second Center,  Swadhistan: four inches below the navel,  sexual gland

The Third Center,  Manipurak : navel,  pancreas gland

The Fourth Center,  Anahat : four inches below the throat, thymus gland

The Fifth Center,  Vishukthi : throat,  thyroid gland

The Sixth Center,  Agna : between the eyebrows,  pituitary gland

The Seventh Center,  Thuriya or sahasrar: top of the head,  .pineal gland

The Eighth Center,  The Universe: the milky way,  all galaxies and solar systems

The Ninth Center,  The Infinite Space : beyond the universe,  the infinite,  dark,  formless and  silent space

Benefits of Nine Centres Meditation :
1. Body consciousness flowers into universal consciousness.

2. All glands are activated and therefore immunity of the body increases.

3. ESP improves.

4. Chattering mind disappears and consciousness and intuition grows.

5. Work stress,  health issues and depressions are rooted out.

Note: The time may be extended as per your wish and availability. When the thoughtful mind grows into thoughtless consciousness, energy will automatically get moving from one Centre to another center upwards.