November 01, 2016

Find Yourself

Man is identified in thousand and one ways which prevent him from understanding his real self.
I am Mani – identified by name
I am Hindu – identified by religion
I am man – identified by gender
I am Indian – identified by nationality
I am tamilian – identified by state and language
I am post graduate – identified by education
I am lecturer – identified by profession
I am father, husband, brother, son to someone – identified by relationship
I am old, lean, of average height, fair – identified by physical aspects
I am rich or poor – identified by money
I am good, or bad, short tempered or foolish – identified by character
I am buried among these identities
People see only these masks that I have worn, not my real face.
I am hidden by all these labels pasted on me.
My id card, ration card, passport, aaddhaar card, pass book, etc carry these identities.
Society gives these identities to everyone and makes them compulsory,
Though these identities are not really me.
Put aside these identities
Walk freely, live freely, feel freely,
Fly like a bird which wears no ID card.
Swim like a fish that belongs to no religion.
Grow like a tree by your own nature.
Search for identity, you miss yourself.
Be no body.  You will find yourself.

September 12, 2016

Evolution of Ignorance

Evolution stage 1:
Man divides something into right or wrong, based on his religion, nationality, culture, knowledge, experience, etc.  Going to a temple to worship a statue of God is right to a Hindu, but wrong to a Muslim.  Bride wearing white dress at marriage is right in England, but wrong in India.  Playing with toys is right to a child, but wrong to a young or a middle aged one. Eating non-veg is right to someone’s knowledge and wrong to someone’s.

Evolution stage 2:
Whatever is right becomes good.  Whatever is wrong becomes bad.  Thus all things are divided into good things and bad things, all people into good people and bad people.  All behaviors, words, thoughts, deeds, into good and bad.  According to one’s own fulfillment of desires, needs, expectations or the benefits they get, all are classified into good and bad. The mind game goes on.

Evolution stage 3:
Dos and donts are framed from what is good and what is bad.  These are named as morals.  Following this is called discipline.

Evolution stage 4:
Good is divided into three -low, medium and high.  They are termed as good, better and best, by comparison.  The best are rewarded, liked, appreciated, honoured because they secured first place, in the race towards “high" level.  Bad is divided similarly as bad, worse and worst.  The worst are criticised, disliked, neglected, punished, insulted, because they reached “high" level in  “bad”.  Governments and religions joined together, laws were framed to do “justice”.

There are no good people and bad people – there are only people.  There are no good things and bad things – there are only things. There are no men and women – only human beings. Which is good to someone in someplace in some age in some religion is a bad one to someone else in others.

 Secondly, recognising good and punishing bad, the very effort to eradicate the negatives is ignorant. Without bad people, good people cannot exist.  If all are good on earth, the very word, good is meaningless.  Without ugliness, beauty cannot exist.  If all are beautiful, whom will you admire as beautiful.  If all are intelligent, whom will you honour as intelligent?  Ignorance is in the very desire to be good or best, beautiful or the most beautiful, intelligence or the most intelligent.

The mind game goes on.  People are good players.

June 01, 2016

Difference between a Master and a Mystic

Both are enlightened. Both have realized themselves.  Both are always conscious and are one with the universal self.  The difference is that the mystic has zero desire whereas the master has one desire that he wants to remain in the world and with people for certain time so as to show them the way for their enlightenment.
A mystic is great because he is an enlightened person but he is of no use to others.  The master is greater than a mystic because he is not only enlightened but also has concern for the society which rendered him food, education and shelter.
If ever you are enlightened, be a master rather than a mystic.

April 25, 2016

All About the Seven Centres (Chakras) in a Human Body

All the Seven Chakras are located along the spine and extend out to both sides of the body. Chakra is derived from Sanskrit language and means 'wheel'.  These chakras also called energy centres are so significant because

1.  They receive prana (life force) and transform them into energies to flow through the body.

2.  Each chakra corresponds to a specific human behaviour.

3.  Each chakra corresponds to a specific conscious level.

1. First Chakra (Muladhara):

Location : One inch above the anus, base of the spine. This center is in the center of the body if you draw a vertical and a horizontal line to your body.

Symbol :  a lotus with four petals

Animal :  Elephant

People: gluttons

Human Behaviour : Desire to food and sensual things.

Conscious level: No Mind (Rock)

Element : Earth

Scientific Name: Reproductive glands

One who has much energy flowing through this chakra will go mad after food and other sensual things.  Elephant has the biggest stomach and one who falls under this category always eats tasty items and grows into an elephant.  Many ordinary people fall under this category.  They have no higher aim in life than being satisfied with physical and sensual needs.  They live to eat.  They are equal to a rock which has no mind.  Their consciousness state is almost like Coma (deep sleep).  They cannot be awakened easily.

According to Science, this chakra refers to reproductive glands which controls sexual development and secretes sexual hormones.

Benefits of Meditation:
One who meditates on this center with his kundalini power awakened by a Spiritual Master knows the secrets of Earth and attains the power to control Earth.  Sexual desires can also be brought under control.  Man has to flower spiritually and know his own fragrance. A lotus with four petals(see the picture of this chakra)  stands for the less flowering of a man, being addicted to food and other sensual things.

Mystery of this Chakra:

Two becomes one. This is the whole purpose and meaning of life.  The meeting place is the chakras.

Matter wants to become one with matter.  This is the first chakra.  See the child whose first need is food and water given in the form of milk.  Matter meets with matter and becomes matter.  Your body wants food and food becomes your body.  Two becomes one.  This meeting of matter with matter continues from childhood upto death.

Why should they allot God Ganesh (a hindu god with 5 hands) having the head of elephant. The five elements in nature are aakash, air, fire,water and earth.  One evolved from another - from aakash (individual energy particles) the air, from air the fire, then water and at last earth.  This chakra is the root chakra representing earth which evolved as the fifth one, and so the god is Ganesh.
(to be continued... wait)

2. Second Chakra (Swadhisdana):

Location : In between navel and mooladhar.  Just four fingers distance below the navel and inside.

Symbol : a lotus with six orange petals and moon inside.

Animal :  Lion and Crocodile

People: Politicians

Human Behaviour : Desire to dominate others.  Love for power, prestige, money at peak.

Conscious level: Sub conscious (Tree)

Element : Water

Scientific Name: Adrenal glands

One who has much energy overflowing on this chakra will go mad after power.  Politicians belong to this category.  If the energy grows here uncontrollably, then you turn into a Hitler or Alexander the Great.  Conquering the conquerors becomes your whole meaning of life.  You cannot be alone.  Your beloved is the crowd.  You know how to control others.

Here you are mostly subconscious.  You have the mind but you have no mind to mind the mind just as the tree, just as you are in dream.  Your own control upon your mind is zero.

According to Science, this chakra refers to adrenal glands which are connected with immune system and metabolism of the body.

Benefits of Meditation:
It is the death centre.  One who meditates on this center can communicate with dead people.  Meditation more on this center may lead to soul attachment. Japanese and in many martial arts use this centre to kill people at a stroke, without shedding blood and pain.  A lotus with six petals(see the picture of this chakra)  stands for the little more flowering of a man than the previous chakra, All questions about death, birth, soul and ghost get answered, if the center is rightly used.

Mystery of this Chakra:

Man wants to control all people to make them one with him.  This is the second chakra.  See the child which cries and gets what it wants.  Being a small politician, it controls the parents.  The second urge in man is to dominate others, ego springs up. Teacher wants to dominate students.  Parents want to dominate the children.  Husband wants to dominate the wife and the like.   But hereto it means unity.  man wants to get united with men.  Man meets men.  The crowd is the beloved of politicians.  Lion and crocodile which are symbols of power and death represent the consequences of the energy flow through this center.

God Brahma (a hindu god with 4 heads) is the deity of this chakra and represents the fourthly evolved element water.  

How to move the energy from one center to another center?

1. Through kundalini yoga meditation.
2. Through chanting mantras repeatedly and raising heat.
3.  Through breathing yogic exercises (pranayama) - inhalation, cessation of breath and exhalation each for a specified number of seconds.
4. The easiest way is that when you drop out your inclination to the matters concerned to a chakra, your energy automatically will get moved to the next higher chakra.  For example, when you drop out your attachment to food and sensual objects, your energy will move from first to second chakra.  Similarly, when you drop out your urge to control, dominate others, your energy will move from the second to third and so on.

(to be continued... wait)

March 27, 2016

Do nothing to achieve GREAT THINGS

Stop all your activities both physical and mental.
Sit in a lonely peaceful place and close your eyes.  Keep your body and mind standstill. Originally some thoughts may appear but don't go behind them.  Just watch them without any comments or analysis.  When your thoughts are zero, you are born.  So far you think that you are your thoughts. When your thoughts die, you are born.  This what we say, "your birth is in your death.
You automatically move to the centre of yourself.  When you know yourself, all great achievements arise from you.

So don't do anything to do great things.

To experience meditation, come to