May 06, 2020

Difference Between Teacher and Master

1. A teacher informs and makes you learn more and more and become knowledgeable.  A master awakens you from long sleep,  and if the knowledge you have accumulated is a barrier in realising truth,  he makes you unlearn more and more, makes you empty your mind and grow silent for realising the ultimate truth.

2. A teacher educates you about the society,  trains you to acquire skills and prepares you for the survival in outer world whereas a master enlightens you about your own Self, about the inner world and guides you on the path of inner journey to come Home.

3. A teacher teaches you languages and enables you to effectively communicate with fellow human beings while a master passes you the language of silence to communicate with birds,  animals,  trees, sun,  wind and the entire nature.

4. The more you learn with your teacher,  the more you become rich in knowledge,  wealth,  reputation and comforts.  The more you occupy your Master’s being,  the more you grow into Universal Being, breathing in truth and breathing out your fragrance around you.

5. You will meet your teacher in every birth but you can meet master only in your last birth.

6. After the last class,  you leave your teacher who but comes along with till your death in all your applications of knowledge,  in all your thinking,  speech and walks of life. At the last stage of your spiritual journey, you fully become your master’s self and get immersed totally in the infinite self.

7. Your teacher teaches you past inventions and verified facts and prepares you for a better future whereas  your master guides you live in the present. He relieves you from the burdensome thoughts of past and haunting expectations of the future to live consciously here and now.

8. With your teacher,  you learn to own more and more and with your master,  you are able to disown more and more mentally.

9. You leave your home to see your teacher but you meet your master to come Home.

10. You are rewarded by your teacher for your success in study and good manners whereas you shed tears of gratitude at the feet of your master when you see yourself everywhere around you.

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