September 11, 2012

You Are Not What You Are

You are not the balloon but the air filled within.  You are in as well as out.  When the balloon bursts, the air does not die.  When the body perishes, our aathma (soul) does not die.  Don't think you are the body.  Don't say you are in the body.  Realize you are in the body as well. You are in the body, outside the body in the universe, outside the universe everywhere.

Since you are formless, you are neither beautiful nor ugly, neither tall nor short, neither fat, nor lean, nor strong, weak, young ,aged and the like.  You are formless, so you are deathless requiring no insurance policy for you.  You are birth-less and you have no parents or grandparents or great grandparents and the like.  Weapons can kill your body only not you who are everywhere.

You can neither be richer than others.  You cannot be poorer than others as well.  Because you are the only one existing in the world because there cannot be two formless things.  One that is formless will be endless and infinite and can be only one that is you.  Why do you compare yourself with others when there is no one except you.  Know you are not what you are and what you think you are.


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