September 26, 2012

Yoga and Its Misconceptions

      Yoga that looks commercial is absolutely spiritual. Foreigners who earn money as well as stress much are the victims of so-called yogis of the modern world. The true meaning of yoga is 'to move from ordinary mundane life to a higher state of life that is spiritual and perfect.' It emerges from the word 'yoke' that means 'to get united.' The practice that facilitates the human soul to get united with God is the real yoga that the ancient indian sages followed.

     Attaining a thoughtless state of mind is the ultimate aim of yoga. Mind generally functions in any one of the four cycles - Beta wave (14 to 40 cycles/second), Alpha Wave (8 to 13 c/s), Deeta wave (4 to 7) and Delta Wave (1 to 4). Most of the people have beta wave only, that is, emotional state of mind. The more the cycles the more their emotions are. But a person who starts practising yoga, that is, getting initiation, touches the alpha wave and moves up to 8 cycles depending upon the efforts he takes to concentrate on the pituitary and pineal gland. It is a peaceful state that takes all stress from the mind immediately.

     Deeta wave and delta wave are gained at the loss of body consciousness. When the yogi moves away from this earth and goes beyond the universe mentally, he forgets his body and even the universe with all its billions of galaxy looks a small dust in front of him. All his illusions that he inherited being a well-frog vanish now. He identifies himself with the universe and realises his eternal existence.
To realise God and mingle with Him is the ultimate aim of birth for which yoga empowers one. The supreme power that is the route cause of the existence and function of the universe realized by the yogi. He witnesses that supreme power being all and in all.

     Attaining the everlasting state of spiritual bliss is the outcome of true yoga and getting relieved from stress is only a byproduct. Leading the mundane life with a lot of attachment to this world and just practising yoga for reducing the stress and to grow financially and industrially cannot be called as a true yoga practice. Yoga is not a product for sales or a boost to increase your sales. A man who is emotional is so weak in body and mind but a man who is peaceful is so strong in body and mind. In short, peace is the key to open treasures of the spiritual world.

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September 11, 2012

You Are Not What You Are

You are not the balloon but the air filled within.  You are in as well as out.  When the balloon bursts, the air does not die.  When the body perishes, our aathma (soul) does not die.  Don't think you are the body.  Don't say you are in the body.  Realize you are in the body as well. You are in the body, outside the body in the universe, outside the universe everywhere.

Since you are formless, you are neither beautiful nor ugly, neither tall nor short, neither fat, nor lean, nor strong, weak, young ,aged and the like.  You are formless, so you are deathless requiring no insurance policy for you.  You are birth-less and you have no parents or grandparents or great grandparents and the like.  Weapons can kill your body only not you who are everywhere.

You can neither be richer than others.  You cannot be poorer than others as well.  Because you are the only one existing in the world because there cannot be two formless things.  One that is formless will be endless and infinite and can be only one that is you.  Why do you compare yourself with others when there is no one except you.  Know you are not what you are and what you think you are.