August 07, 2020

How to Discover Your Individuality?

1. What is individuality?  Being yourself unconditioned by any religion,  any system of education, any social practices and any person is individuality. People like to have individuality, to be different from others because it will give them recognition,  new identity.  But Individuality is just your nature.  There is no question of developing individuality.  It's your totality.  It will find its expression,  it will flower automatically when you don't condition yourself.  When the individuality overflows from you,  you pour it into an article, poetry,   drawing,  speech, dance,  singing, etc.  Then it's labelled creativity. 

2. Do you want to discover your  individuality? To be an individual,  accept your nature and follow your heart. Accept what you are now and allow yourself to grow as naturally as a tree. Let your heart flow as freely as the river on its own path.   Individuality is not being different from others.  It's being what you are. 

3. Individuality versus Crowd.  All people who don't have individuality  are the crowd. Nobody in the world is an individual.  Nobody can be an individual as long as they are in a system and blindly follow the established social order. Don't you feel, you are part of the crowd when you say good morning and thank you, repeating the same mechanically for thousands of days? You don't refuse,  still you follow because it's from your parents. You don't argue, still you do since it is from your teacher.  You don't agree in your heart,  still you obey because it's from your boss or higher officials.  You are affected by the corrupt system, by the rules and regulations,  without justice still you keep amazing silence and patience, remain in the same crowd. 

4.Persons with individuality are burnt alive in every system by demands and commands, by borders and orders and by rules and regulations.  There is an ugly proverb against the individuality  – “ Go with the crowd. “ It means “Commit suicide. “ It means "have no individuality".Once you are in the crowd for a long time,  you start supporting the crowd.  You start speaking for the crowd. Remember,  Persons with individuality  don’t speak for the crowd, don't speak for the likes and recognition, don’t speak on trending topics for earning money on YouTube. They speak only when it’s required, speak only what they feel inside and speak expecting nothing in return. 

5.  All people who have been programmed to speak in a particular way, to behave in a particular way and to do their daily activities in a particular way are not individuals but the crowd.  All people who are obeying the directions of others without any question are the crowd. You are programmed by your parents,  teachers, boss, religious leaders and the law makers to follow the path of the crowd. You sacrifice your individuality just for the social security, welfare of the family and financial benefits. 

6. The society wants only obedient people.  The system  wants only the obedient people. All people who blindly obey somebody are the slaves  The crowd has only boss and slaves, many a time the higher official will also be a slave to his higher official.  The individuals are not slaves but independent people. They are not bound by any rules, by anybody and by any systems and  customs.

7. Through threats and punishments from the system and govt, also because of their commiment to the family,the individuals will soon be brought back to the track of the crowd. Individuality is a matter of life and death.  It’s a matter of freedom and slavery. But you can no longer stand against the crowd as long as you are in a society,  so far as you are in a system. 

8. What is the solution?  The choice is in your hand. Decide whether you want to be an individual or a part of the crowd.  You can’t be both. Yes those who are individuals cannot be in the crowd.  Those who are in the crowd can never be individuals. 

9. If you want to live with individuality,  with freedom, with self esteem,  with intelligence,  with consciousness,  with eternal bliss,  be yourself and prepare and practice yourself for that. If you want social security,  social recognition and a well settled position in the society, be in the crowd as you are now until you wake up one day. No planning or special training is required. Just take your mask and wear it for another long mad run until someone comes and knocks at your heart. 

10. The world is always ruled by the crowd.  It's for the crowd.  But the individuals are ruled by themselves. They always  live independently in their own world.