June 25, 2014

Difference between Teachers and MASTERS

A master is one who guides you to realise yourself, god and all mysterious things such as soul, life force, mind, consciousness, death, sins , virtues and enlightenment.  But a teacher is one who imparts you knowledge of language, application of mathematics to day to day problems in mundane life, social structures and application of science to know and modify nature as needed for life. 
Only an enlightened person can become a master whereas anybody with university qualifications and teacher training certificates can become a teacher.  The master guides you for your journey in the spiritual world whereas the teacher prepares you for your survival in the material world.
A teacher feeds up your knowledge but a master awakens your consciousness which happens at the dropping out of your so called knowledge and conditionings. 
Treasures and secrets of nature can be unearthed only in silence for which a master guides but a teacher trains you to become competent for material achievements.  Educated people can be rich in the material world but beggars in the spiritual world unlike Lord Buddha who was the richest master in the spiritual world but  preferred to be a beggar in the rest of his life in the material world.

June 12, 2014

Truth - always naked. . .

No individual in the society is individual. If anyone is individual, he will be away from the society and it will condemn him.

Being religious means being truthful and it does not mean following your parent's religion.

You may be single and people may be thousands in number. If you follow truth, you are right and people may blindly think that just because they excel in number, what they are doing is right.  The world is carried away by politics of number. 
Silence makes you blossom and spread the fragrance of truth around the world.