May 06, 2014

Sin - the greatly misunderstood word

What is sin?  People generally think by mistake that killing someone, telling lies, stealing others' things and so on are sins.  But the real and root meaning of sin is forgetfulness. Your forgetfulness of who you are is sin.  You are the everlasting omnipresent existence.  You are always the same, you are the only one existing and therefore you cannot go away from yourself anywhere and there is no need for going in search of the almighty that is you yourself.  When you are not aware of yourself, this forgetfulness leads you to all illusions, as if you are suffering from great sins and until you purify yourself you can never attain enlightenment.
You have no destination to reach because what you are searching for is you yourself only.  A lion that thanks itself is a sheep has to realise itself, as said swami vivekananda.
If you are aware of yourself, no sin is there. If you forget yourself, whatever you do is a sin.