March 28, 2014

Madman, Ordinary man and Lord Buddha

Who is great - a Madman, ordinary man or Lord Buddha? Your answer is the last one. Why? Know now.
The madman is below the mind which is his master.  But an enlightened man like buddha is above and beyond the mind and he is master of his own mind and knows when to use and for what purpose.  Both will look like mad sometimes to the ordinary man because the behaviour of both is unpredictable to him.
The madman is just like football in the match and he himself does not know what he would do.  The reasoning mind and awareness are completely absent in him.  The order of the society, the code of discipline and the laws of government have no power to turn him into a new leaf. But the enlightened man is with everlasting awareness  and is the source of all well being of the society. It is his utter silence that is the source of his strength and love.
A madman cannot understand what an ordinary man understands.  An ordinary man cannot understand what an enlightened man can do. 
Mindless mind, overwhelming silence, super consciousness, bliss of liberated soul and universal living all belong to a Buddha who just mediates and does nothing more to get all these.

March 23, 2014

You are not one but two now

You are now split into two - consciousness and the chattering mind.  The more your mind has thoughts, the less your consciousness is.  When you are awake, you can only be in either of the two conditions.
Your consciousness is the real you and your mind is the unreal you.  The more your mind has thoughts, the more your stress is, the more you are worried, the more you are mechanical, the less you are creative.  The more you have silence within you, the more your consciousness is, the more you are individual, the more you are truthful, the more you are enlightened.
When you are more under the control of your thoughts, you cannot even understand what consciousness, and thus all dictionary definitions about consciousness are only shallow, because ninetynine percent of the people are under the influence of their mind filled with thoughts.
The only way to hold consciousness is "watching".   You can watch anything, your body, the tree before you, the photo you see, or even your very mind.  When you watch, the energy spent for conversion into thoughts turn into consciousness and suddenly thoughts disappear.  Simply watch without any idea, expectations, aim, without trying any analysis, comments, judgment because your mind is always accustomed to them.  When the consciousness increases, the silence will increase, the awareness will grow, you will find the real you. Everything will be happening before you, but you will remain a spectator, never affected by them.  You are now only one.  You are just yourself.  You are now the real you, only one, not split into two.  Now the imprints in your mind are helpless to influence you, to direct you.  You are now on your own path, not on the path of destiny.  You are alive and fully innovative and creative, not mechanical.
Watching is meditation.  Meditation is just a device to stop your chattering mind and thereby to realise yourself.