July 21, 2012

Of Life-force, Old Age and Death

Life Force:
     A group of trillions of fundamental, self-rotating energy particles in the body is called life-force.  Certain numbers of energy particles leave our body constantly due to the repulsive force of the Earth.  However the sexual vital fluid (svf) that is produced at the brain and comes to the center of the body after puberty retains sufficient number of energy particles in the body with its attractive force.  Our health and youth are depending on the bio-magnetism which is produced by life-force (energy particles) whose density relies on the amount of svf located at the center of the body.  Hence, the density of the life-force will vary in different ages due to various factors.  Sperms in men and steroid hormone in women are collectively termed here as svf.  This svf exits our body 
(i) sometimes involuntarily during sleep.
(ii)  voluntarily through sexual intercourse
(iii) voluntarily through masturbation
(iv) naturally at the time of death
     Life is maintained by this life-force and the bio-magnetism produced by it.  The food we take reaches several processes and at last becomes our body.  First it becomes chemical juice, then blood, flesh, cholesterol, bones, majai, and at last sexual vital fluid.  .  Thus food is the source of sexual vital fluid that is the source of life-force that is the source of bio-magnetism that is the source of our youth, immunity power, the energy to operate our body organs, sensual experiences and the functioning of our mind. 

Old Age:
    The production of svf is not at the same quantity in all ages.  It decreases after 40 years and ceases at 60 generally.  Bio-magnetism produced by life-force eventually decreases.  Our body cells which are intact and energetic because of this bio-magnetism suffer a lot and lead to shrinks in the skins.  The weakness of nerves also gives rise to hanging of flesh -what we call as old age knocks at our door now.

     Pain is the initial signal of the short-circuit in our body.  Incurable diseases exhaust the bio-magnetism in our body whereas accident takes away great amount of bio-magnetism in no time.  Consequently short-circuit in svf results in the total quit of svf from the body.  Life-force which is a dependent of svf also quits the body.  Bio-magnetism which is a dependent of life-force also gets away.  Death occurs.  Body and mind stop functioning.  The decomposition starts.
     Soul and life-force are entirely different.  The former refers to the imprints of our experiences and actions passing from generation to generation through hereditary whereas the later is a group of self-rotating energy particles which we call 'akash' in the universe, one of the five elements constituting nature. The exercise to retain life-force in the body and maintain youth is called 'kayakalpa' in yoga.  To learn kayakalpa and know more about life-force and bio-magnetism, contact World Community Service Center, Chennai, India or make a call to Temple of Consciousness, Aliyar or anywhere in the world (www.vethathiriyam.org)